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Greece Drone Application Process


New Member
Jul 31, 2024
Placing this post just for future searches of drone pilots since I just went through the process. This is accurate as of July 2024, but you will still want to check for any regulation changes since.

Basically, you can bring a drone but it needs to be registered in the EU with at least the A1/A3 certification. You can do that online for cheap. Just have to pass a short, common sense test after watching a video. which is like 5 questions and you have several chances. You will also need an operator number, which you can do with any European country. I did both of mine through of Norway for like $20.

Go to Drone Aware - GR to look at the drone map. You only need to submit an application for the yellow areas. They respond within a day but give yourself time in case you need to provide additional info.

Shoot an email to [email protected] and they will send you the form to fill out, including how to draw on the drone map to get flight coordinates.

They will want that form along with the following info:
1) description of flight activity
2) drone operator number
3) A1/A3 Certificate number
4) Requested table completed
5) decleration that "All flight activities will take place under the Open Category as prescribed in Article 4 of (EU) 2019/947"
6) Written consent of owner if you are flying over sensitive structures.

They will respond with approval and a pdf to complete, asking for some of the same info. Fill that pdf out and reply back and they will send it back with their approval at the bottom.

*Note: apparently this does still not allow you to fly over architectural dig sites or ruins and what not. The ministry of culture has to approve that which they want to charge like $800 euros a day plus tax. So, I would avoid flying over like Athens or Delphi.
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