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How do you shoot video flying in WiFi mode?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2017
It seems to take still photos fine, but I can't find how to shoot video when flying the Mavic in WiFi mode.
Help please.
the icon above the camera button changes it to video mode,the manual describes this and much more
the icon above the camera button changes it to video mode,the manual describes this and much more
Thank you Sir. I have read the manual (more than once, lol). I was focusing on the page and a half on flying with WiFi (48-49); The button you mention was #15 in the list of controls on screen of the regular Go4 app on page 47. Completely missed that. I've never used that, as I always use the buttons on the controller to choose stills or video (left for video; right for stills).
many are offended when suggested to read the manual,ive read it dozens of times and still learn new things.
many are offended when suggested to read the manual,ive read it dozens of times and still learn new things.
Not this boy. I just wish one of the gurus here would write the manual that SHOULD be written for the Mavic Pro. The DJI manual is bare bones---it tells you what does what, but lacks any depth at all...take RTH for example. There's a ton of things to think about when considering the settings...RTH altitude; response to signal loss; whether to use Smart RTH. A better manual would go into more detail on the consequences of these settings. I'd buy such a manual in a heartbeat.
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