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How to tighten screw on Gimbal motor


Active Member
Nov 14, 2019
Hi all, was replacing the gimbal ribbon today when I noticed the screw in the centre of one of the motors was a bit loose, so I thought I’d try tighten it but I think it loosened even more. Is there a secret to tightening these screws. I’m not sure which motor it is but I think it’s the pitch motor. Is it my imagination or is it reverse screw or some other trick.
Thanks in advance
Can you post a pic' of the screw that you mean? It might be that the screw is seating into plastic not metal, and therefore, over-tightening could strip or stress the thread! If that's the case, you may be able to get the screw to seat using something like Loctite.
Can you post a pic' of the screw that you mean? It might be that the screw is seating into plastic not metal, and therefore, over-tightening could strip or stress the thread! If that's the case, you may be able to get the screw to seat using something like Loctite.

‘thanks for the response. I will post a pic of the screw I am referring to. It’s the central one in the pitch motor. There is only the one. I was practising replacing the ribbon cable as I await for delivery of a new cable when I noticed it “wobbled” a bit more than I thought was normal. i‘m not sure that I got the chance to over tighten it because it seemed to loose as I turned it. I also notice on the inside of the plate, there is a metal bit that spun as I tightened the screw, so I’m not sure if I was actually doing anything. In any case, I would like to remove this wobble and tighten the screw as it seems like an abnormal wobble
This is not my unit, but it is this screw right in the middle that I thought I could tighten, but I’m not sure if it’s looser now.


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Could the screw possibly be a left hand thread?
In your op you said you tried to tighten it but it seemed to get looser.
Sometimes left hand threads are used so that when the motor is spinning, the screw cannot loosen.
Could the screw possibly be a left hand thread?
In your op you said you tried to tighten it but it seemed to get looser.
Sometimes left hand threads are used so that when the motor is spinning, the screw cannot loosen.
Yeah, I thought about that and tried the opposite direction and it did nothing so I wasn’t sure if I needed to engage something internally so I left it as is because the drone is not operational at the moment to see if there was anyone that had previously pulled this apart and put it together again.
Having real trouble with this issue as I think it is causing me to have gimbal overload error. The gimbal sit off balanced and forward a fair bit when not turned on. The when I turn the Mavic on, the gimbal dance is pretty wild &violent rotating back a long, long way. I am beginning to think the loose screw or what I think is loose is causing this over balance and giving me the gimbal overload error as I have now changed the gimbal ribbon twice and it has not fixed the problem.
Having real trouble with this issue as I think it is causing me to have gimbal overload error. The gimbal sit off balanced and forward a fair bit when not turned on. The when I turn the Mavic on, the gimbal dance is pretty wild &violent rotating back a long, long way. I am beginning to think the loose screw or what I think is loose is causing this over balance and giving me the gimbal overload error as I have now changed the gimbal ribbon twice and it has not fixed the problem.
I don’t think it’s matter at all. My screws are the same on my MPP and I don’t have any problems at all with the gimbal.
I don’t think it’s matter at all. My screws are the same on my MPP and I don’t have any problems at all with the gimbal.

took your advice and I decided to swap out the gimbals on the two Mavic Pro which I’ve got.
1/ placed good gimbal into drone with bad gimbal - all worked fine.
2/. Swapped out the board of non working gimbal onto working gimbal. Got gimbal overload error. So I thought it confirmed the board was faulty.
3/. Put good Working board onto non working gimbal and got the Gimbal overload again.
4/. Put the good board onto the good gimbal and everything worked fine again.

This leads me to believe that I have a problem with both the board and the gimbal. The board looks fine. I can not identify any areas that look suspicious under a magnifying glass. But I have no idea what is wrong with the gimbal. I pulled it apart again and made sure all the ribbon clips were plugged in properly but the issue reamains the same. Gimbal overload error with lack of control to gimbal movement. The other thing is that the gimbal camera position is like 90 degrees out looking down instead of straight out when powered up
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