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imu calibration fail


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2017
Spring Lake MI
Flew one short flight this morning and when I went to do the second it made me do an imu calibration which will not get past second step. I’ve shut down and restarted phone, remote, mavic many times and all according to dji standard. Now it’s bricked as it won’t let me fly until it does this. Also saying compass calibration failed. On vacation so very frustrating. First flight photo and video looked fine, no crashes or damage. iOS 12.1, iPhone xs, latest mavic firmware. Any way a factory reset work? Help!

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Try deleting the go4 app and reinstall. Airplane mode the phone.
Not near any metal stuff?
Thanks for reply! Try calibration in airplane mode after deleting and reinstalling software? Just want to clarify. Thanks!
No. You need internet to reinstall. Airplane mode when you are flying.
I can’t get past imu calibration. I did delete and reinstall app, will try imu recalibration again just wanted to verify it would do so in airplane mode. Thanks again!:)
Imu calibration does not need internet. You got a message from the go4 app that says you need an imu cal?
Odd. I’ve many DJI products and have never seen it. One more thing I might try would be to log out of your DJI account, wait 5, then log back in.
I don't know if the latest version of Go fixed it, but recent earlier versions had the picture of the orientation for some of the steps wrong.
Mine did that once. It just sat there half way though doing nothing. Delet the go4app and reinstall. It should work fine then.
The IMU Calibration pictures are wrong with mine so i know which way to position the drone
Yeah it was wrong on mine at one time. Another time it just stuck on step two. But when I then change it to the next step it then sorted it self out. Strange. But it's been OK since
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