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Insurance in uk help

Haga lout

Active Member
Feb 2, 2018
hi I've got insurance for 3rd party damage if the drone hits someone or something but I'd like cover for the drone if it crashes or it don't come back I'm after insurance to replace the drone I'm covered with my home insurance if it's not flying but as soon as I take of its not covered so where can I get a got cover in the uk
Try ‘coverdrone’ they cover for flying in the UK and also abroad. Or nip along and chat to any RC hobbyist and ask who they use. Maybe nip to WH Smith and browse thro the many RC hobbyist magazines on the shelf, there are bound to be specialist insurers advertising in them.
I've read about people using PhotoGuard & Barclays Tech Pack.

I'm with BackMeUp but they no longer insure drones :(
I've also been looking into this, and I got a quite from Coverdrone for my Air... £275, with a £300 excess. So if I crash or lose the drone, it'll be £575 I paid, and the drone costs what, £700? Not worth it.

FlyIcarus has come up with a little under £200 for the year, and a 10% excess (so £75). Not so bad, though still more than DJI refresh... but it does include fly away cover, so I guess it also includes loss in water (like losing it in a lake) neither of which is covered by DJI.

Tricky decision. I haven't found any reviews yet of Icarus where someone actually had a successful claim, which is the important part.

Edit: Icarus does not cover you if you fly over open water, so losing it in a lake is a no no still. Unless you lie and say it flew away, but they may want to see logs.
So it seems to be about the same as DJI refresh, but also covers you for theft and pubic liability. Not terrible.
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