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MA2 Battery Storage discharge?


Active Member
May 2, 2020
Jacksonville, FL
So on my previous drone the P4P. There was a setting within DJI Go that I could set the number of days before the batteries would discharge. Since the FLy App has no such setting I was curious what is recommended for discharging the batteries down for extended storage or is it even really necessary?

According to the manual, there is an auto discharge after 1 day, and after 5 days:

Screenshot_20200514-230006_Adobe Acrobat.jpg
Page 26 of the MA2 User Manual, light bulb bullet - "It is recommended to discharge the Intelligent Flight Batteries to 30% or lower. This can be done by flying the aircraft outdoors until there is less than 30% charge left."

Also this on the same page - "Fully charge the battery at least once every three months to maintain battery health.".
Ive a MA2. Interesting observance with 3 batteries in the Fly More Bag section meant for batteries versus #1 in the drone. Those in the bag slot (2-4) drained equally to 12.2 volts (50-63%)* at ~ day 11 or 12, while #1 held at 12.9v (75-88%) also 11 or 12 days. I noticed over the while, piddling with bag contents, that those in the bag slot were warm to the touch. They were all placed in the bag as intended, belly to topside. Didnt notice any warmth with #1 battery in the drone. Manual pg 25 as dawgpilot has shown above indicates expected discharge level at 24 and 120 hours. Im remarking on the lower half of the same page, which provides approximate percentage range based on number of solid and flashing lights on the power on button. It has been raining or low ceilings here for nearly two weeks.

The voltage reading above is from my 4 port simultanous charger, I like it a lot. The specs on the for sale add read 13.2V/8A output. The converter that came with it shows 14.0v/10A. My #1 batt. started charging at 12.9v/2.2A and peaked at 13.2v/0.1A. All batteries leveled at 13.2v with current dropping <1A at close of this Reply. Its quite handy to see the current and voltage rate changes with this dandy smart charger; it came with a car adapter that Ive yet to use. Package deal @ < $50 before the goobermint got a slice of my backside.

This charger has two associated cooling fans. One quite small integrated inside the converter and a second 2x larger in the Hub.
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I searched the User Manual for specs. on battery storage. Nothing directly related to battery. At was previously mentioned, "It is recommended to discharge the Intelligent Flight Batteries to 30% or lower..." Im not sure this is related to storage (hibernation mode), which is addressed in the manual. Hibernation is at 5%, so I gather. The 30% or lower I take it to mean fly them to discharge them so they dont develop a minimum memory? Do lithium batteries develop memory?

Im here to say, its possible. Memory effect now also found in lithium-ion batteries There are ample argument as to memory, life span, cost, weight... The MA2 uses LiPo, or more correctly Lithium-ion Polymer. Do these develop memory, with polymer as the electrolyte. Most articles Ive briefed through say the Li-ion battery last longer, costs less, but is heavier. The only advantage, for certain, with the LiPo is weight. Cycle times for the LiPo can be said to be 150-250 time.

Im going to make it a habit to discharge my MA2 batteries down to </= 30% so that recharge cycles are further between intervals.

BTW: Was fortunate to rejuvenate a 12V deep cycle battery, recently, that had been discharged to <2.5V; due largely to neglect. It took 3 or 4 cycles with a NOCO Genius 10 Charger with desulfator mode to get it up to 12.3V and holding. And, it wasnt until the 4th cycle that I lost any electrolyte cooking out from under the caps. Desulfators, to my knowldge , only work with flooded lead acid batteries (not SLA or AGM).
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