Personally I think it's golly gee keen.
In fairness, I think DCRainmaker assumed it was entirely for use with tracking (as many do) when in fact DJI even told him "it's primarily for when an operator is at the sticks" It's a type of APAS tuning that will smooth out the motions of the MVic 3 Which is hugely aggressive in how its tuned.
I don't think great footage is achieved by flying right up to an object, then suddenly swerving and going around it like a person fleeing an age murderer through the woods. Maybe if you are filming a horror flick, and want to simulate running in a blind panic, looking back, then almost running g I to trees.
The obstacle avoidance on
Mavic 3 is terrible. The glass lenses on the OA Sensors get flare or ghosting in low sun situations. I've had dozens of sunset hyperlapses stop with "object detected. Hyperlapse canceled. When it's hundreds of feet above the treeline. At least they greatly improved the uncommanded altitude increases in low sun angles or with snow or water underneath.
I believe 90% of the long list of fails on
Mavic 3 are directly attributable to releasing hardware spec to production before they even tested the standard suite of software. We had video/photo at release. As features came online it was obvious they fell short of promised performance, and DJI is completely aware they screwed up. Releasing untested hardware to production expecting to fix it later through software is the height of arrogance. If nothing else it made the
Mini 3 Pro the absolutely awesome lightweight portable drone it is. A) They knew they had to exceed expectations. B) they delayed it several times, vs repeating
Mavic 3 debacle. It's not perfect by any stretch, and they have had a few big blunders with signal and some features. But fixes come fast and furious. It's obvious they put huge resources towards its success.
I thought
Mavic 3 was going to follow this playbook. Instead, fixes took months on end, releases were months apart, during which owners were seriously wondering if things like the GPS issue were even addressable without a hardware recall.
Lessons learned. By DJI. By us. Everyone is more cautious now. I even waited a full WEEK before ordering
Mini 3 Pro. That taught 'em, you can be sure!