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Mavic Mini Barely maintaining control until I hit a wall.


New Member
Dec 19, 2019
Hi, heres the log: DJI Flight Log Viewer -

Posted this on reddit and was told to throw it up here in case someone could give me some insight. I've started the care refresh process, but am interested to learn what I could have done to prevent this, or if I should fight using one of my repairs and paying the $40. After an uneventful flight to 20m for a video I brought it down and flew around a bit more. It started pulling hard right toward a fence. Bringing sticks the opposite way I was able to barely keep it from hitting the fence until it went hard the other direction into a wall. I feel like I responded in time for it to stop after changing direction, but I may not have. Would appreciate any input.

You launched with really few satellites ... then over the whole flight remained with a really poor state regarding this.
Would say this is the main cause ... did you even got the HP recorded properly?

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Hi, heres the log: DJI Flight Log Viewer -

Posted this on reddit and was told to throw it up here in case someone could give me some insight. I've started the care refresh process, but am interested to learn what I could have done to prevent this, or if I should fight using one of my repairs and paying the $40. After an uneventful flight to 20m for a video I brought it down and flew around a bit more. It started pulling hard right toward a fence. Bringing sticks the opposite way I was able to barely keep it from hitting the fence until it went hard the other direction into a wall. I feel like I responded in time for it to stop after changing direction, but I may not have. Would appreciate any input.
Your drone uses GPS to provide position holding and easy control.
GPS requires a clear skyview and flying where a large part of the sky is blocked by obstacles will reduce the number of GPS satellites available for the drone.
If the number of sats is too few (and/or they aren't well spaced) you don't get the benefits of GPS and the drone will not hold position or be able to brake.
It will be tricky to control like driving on ice.

In your flight, you launched without acquiring GPS and the drone only started to get GPS 41 seconds into the flight.
It appears that the building wall that you were beside blocked half of the sky and GPS health was very poor.
The drone's flight controller didn't get good enough GPS data until 1:56.5 to record a home point.
The drone would have felt difficult to control because it did not have position holding until then.
But you stayed close to the wall and lost GPS again at 2:31.7 until the end of the flight at 3:04.

The combination of flying close to a large obstacle without GPS position holding was the cause of your problem.
Had you been flying out in the open, the drone would have been easy to operate and there would have been nothing to hit.