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Mode changed to detour - Flight log


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2020
Anyone notice these "Mode changed to detour" and "Mode changed to joystick" in there flight logs? Curious what these mean. Anyone know?


  • Screenshot_20200518-004452_Chrome.jpg
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Detour mode is when APAS kicks in (I am guessing you had it enabled) and joystick mode when it gives you back the controls.
APAS was not enabled on this flight. Obstacle avoidance was though.

That being said, this happens 400ft in the air with nothing around and besides one time when I was flying straight towards the sun I don't seem to experience any change in control input vs expected behavior.
APAS was not enabled on this flight. Obstacle avoidance was though.
As far as I know, the "Mode Changed to Detour" appears only when an obstacle is sensed and APAS kicks in to attempt to fly the AC while avoiding said obstacle. But since you say OA was enabled, may be the log uses the same terminology for when OA attempts to fly past a detected obstacle.

That being said, this happens 400ft in the air with nothing around and besides one time when I was flying straight towards the sun I don't seem to experience any change in control input vs expected behavior.
DJI drones have a well documented tendency to perceive the sun as a potential obstacle; more so when you are flying straight towards it and there is nothing else in the frame. This happens quite a lot; in my case, so much so that I turn vision sensors off when i am flying towards the sun (the places I fly in don't really need me to turn OA on anyway - once I clear 30ms, all the sky is mine)

Any way, this will be a much better discussion if you upload the .txt log of the flight. That way, we can see what really happened.
As far as I know, the "Mode Changed to Detour" appears only when an obstacle is sensed and APAS kicks in to attempt to fly the AC while avoiding said obstacle. But since you say OA was enabled, may be the log uses the same terminology for when OA attempts to fly past a detected obstacle.

DJI drones have a well documented tendency to perceive the sun as a potential obstacle; more so when you are flying straight towards it and there is nothing else in the frame. This happens quite a lot; in my case, so much so that I turn vision sensors off when i am flying towards the sun (the places I fly in don't really need me to turn OA on anyway - once I clear 30ms, all the sky is mine)

Any way, this will be a much better discussion if you upload the .txt log of the flight. That way, we can see what really happened.
Give me a few and I'll grab the log. The flight when I had the sunburn issue was pretty obvious because I would be full stick forward and then my speed would drop to 0 until I reset the stick. Anyways, that has only happened on one flight. Be back with some logs shortly!
Have the same issue, here is my log file also lost gps signal warning but always had about 15 satellites in view


  • DJIFlightRecord_2020-12-30_[15-26-35].txt
    4 MB · Views: 13
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