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New guy learning to fly...

Welcome to the forum from Chicago the Windy City.
You received tons of advice, add one other thing. Check out Mavic tips on how to prevent flyaways as well. Because none of us knew what we were doing when we started flying. Practice, and more practice FLYING. And, may you keep the rotors pointing upward.
And where do I find this? and thanks..

I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, still got family there...
I find going to YouTube and looking for drone fail vids is helpful...on what NOT to do. :)
I have a non GPS drone, Daughter bought it for me a year or so ago, you fly it with an app on a phone like the DJI's , problem is if you have it in the air and look down at the phone for a second.... its GONE... wont hover instead it wanders!! It is one of the main reasons I almost gave up on drone flying!! I'll stick with my very expensive MA2.. but thanks.

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That was the point he was trying to make, there can be certain situations that may happen, when they do your MA2 will be just like that "Practice toy" it won't have any GPS hold and will float away with the wind. If it is up there a bit the winds can carry it off pretty fast, your going to need to know how to fly it back to you...most probably will never happen....till it does and then what?

As for GPS it is hard to say exactly the number DJI is using for actual lock but you only need three satellites for GPS to work. DJI Builds in a redundancy in Firmware which used to be 7, I believe it might be 10 now. That is it picks the best 3(?) signals out of whatever it has available. I never take off until that green bar at the top shows lock. From there it records home point on Arming of motors and take off.

As you gain altitude you will get more satellites to show, but home point is already might be a bit more precise, but usually not, that is just more satellites for the FC to choose from that might have a stronger signal to find home. As for how many you need, that is all automatic, like I said when that top bar is green it has enough for lock and redundancy check, from there the rest is just gravy on your potatoes :p

The most I have ever seen shown was 24, normally I take off I have 12-14 where I about 200 Ft.. it will generally go to 18 maybe 20...but again if it's green you can go ;) Even a good GPS lock can vary by 10 foot or more, but Your aircraft is built with a vision system that actually takes pictures of the ground (Your landing pad) if you follow the procedure I told you about earlier. So when your RTH brings you to where GPS says home is it looks for your landing pad with it's camera matching up to the "pictures" it took when you raised up and hovered up at 20-25 foot on take off. As it is landing it will actually adjust to and fly itself to center on your landing pad...neat stuff! :)

If however you input any forward or left or right maneuver with the sticks on take off, that cancels the Precision landing feature, and defaults to just GPS which in general will get you anywhere from pretty darn close or again up to 10 foot away, but normally about 2 foot, which wouldn't be good as your landing pad is elevated. So you would want to insure you cancel auto land if engaged and then bring her in and adjust yourself. As said best to do that anyway if at all possible.

If you want to have some fun you can play hide and seek...once you take off and fly out after setting precision landing drag your landing pad over about 10 will still find it and adjust and nail the landing...I have even dragged it around while landing and the quad will follow me coming down so it can land on it's take off point. :)
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Figure 8s with the drone facing you and away from you, circle with the camera pointed to the center, circle with camera pointed outward, 3 dimensional cube (square, change altitude, square the other direction) the sky and your imagination is the limit.
Almost sounds like the Civil Air Patrol (5U) qualification test. Great advice.
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