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No camera and no SD read

Luke Hayward

New Member
Nov 20, 2017
I have been searching for someone else having the same issues as me but not having any luck so i will tell my story and hopefully some one can help

I crashed my Mavic into a tree over a lake :(, it went under water for about 25 min and it was on the whole time until i pulled it out and turned it off. It was full of grit/sand and obviously very wet so after some online advise from youtube i put it in a bowl of rice in the airing cupboard which was a waste of time in my eyes. After a week in the rice i pulled it out and opened it up and it was still wet with lots of areas of corrosion on all the boards so i went and got a few cans of spray duster and motherboard cleaner from the computer shop. After two evenings of cleaning everything up, removing most of the corrosion, removing all the grit, replaced all the thermal paste i put it back together and started it and was very happy it was flying.

Unfortunately I had no camera feed so I took all the gimbal apart found damage on the cables so replace the flat ribbon and camera cable put it back together and the gimbal aligns itself but still no camera feed. I checked the app and the gimbal status is N/A and even with a SD card in the drone it says no SD card, I have tried multiples card that work in Comp and Gopro but with no luck. In a desperate hope it was just a software issue i connected to assistant 2 and did a factory reset and tried to reset the firmware and then back date it but failed several time with no reason.

So my thinking is they are separate issues but not sure what the issue is, I think the gimbal board is working as the gimbal aligns itself, hopefully that is true, I was thinking of replacing the gimbal/camera but concerned this will be expensive and not fix the issue and I am at a complete loss with the SD issue.

Any advise will be much appreciated.
I have been searching for someone else having the same issues as me but not having any luck so i will tell my story and hopefully some one can help

I crashed my Mavic into a tree over a lake :(, it went under water for about 25 min and it was on the whole time until i pulled it out and turned it off. It was full of grit/sand and obviously very wet so after some online advise from youtube i put it in a bowl of rice in the airing cupboard which was a waste of time in my eyes. After a week in the rice i pulled it out and opened it up and it was still wet with lots of areas of corrosion on all the boards so i went and got a few cans of spray duster and motherboard cleaner from the computer shop. After two evenings of cleaning everything up, removing most of the corrosion, removing all the grit, replaced all the thermal paste i put it back together and started it and was very happy it was flying.

Unfortunately I had no camera feed so I took all the gimbal apart found damage on the cables so replace the flat ribbon and camera cable put it back together and the gimbal aligns itself but still no camera feed. I checked the app and the gimbal status is N/A and even with a SD card in the drone it says no SD card, I have tried multiples card that work in Comp and Gopro but with no luck. In a desperate hope it was just a software issue i connected to assistant 2 and did a factory reset and tried to reset the firmware and then back date it but failed several time with no reason.

So my thinking is they are separate issues but not sure what the issue is, I think the gimbal board is working as the gimbal aligns itself, hopefully that is true, I was thinking of replacing the gimbal/camera but concerned this will be expensive and not fix the issue and I am at a complete loss with the SD issue.

Any advise will be much appreciated.
Howdy from Wyoming Luke Hayward, welcome to the community, plenty of fine folk and excellent information here. I am sorry to hear of your loss, I have no expertise this technical however I am sure others will chime in soon with advice.
Howdy from Wyoming Luke Hayward, welcome to the community, plenty of fine folk and excellent information here. I am sorry to hear of your loss, I have no expertise this technical however I am sure others will chime in soon with advice.
Thank you for your post, i am hoping someone can help otherwise its an expensive replacement :)
You mentioned corrosion on the boards. I am not a repair guy but if after replacing the ribbon cable the app still shows a gimbal status of N/A, could the cable contacts need cleaning? The same goes for the SD issue. There could be corrosion/dirt inside the SD slot that is not allowing a good contact with the card.

If after checking all the contacts, unless someone with more expertise speaks up, I would find a good repair facility to diagnose and fix.

And you have my heartfelt condolences for your loss.
Hi, thank you for the response.

I have gone through and checked every connection and clean every component i could get to again but no luck, as a test i thought i would leave the gimbal board unpluged and powered it up and it had the same response. So I am convinced that the gimbal board has shorted but still have no idea why the SD wont read.

I am hoping some one can tell me if the gimbal board/camera disconnection has any affect on the SD when it comes to the app recognising the SD
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