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May 7, 2020
Varies: PA, VA, ON, YT
so now - I decided to reboot everything and check all software versions/updates. Powered of mobile device. A/C won't power off: navigation lights are all on - none flashing, and the battery button is rotating clockwise at about once per second - a quick depress shows all for lights for a few seconds then they go back to rotstion. Holding battery button down till beep - about 5 seconds - nav lights don't change/blink/anything just stay on and battery button goes to its once per second rotation. Controller has all lights lit and won't turn off. Opps - controller just beeped a couple times v- been sitting for a couple minutes and now all lights are flashing. A long press (10+ seconds) still does nothing on controller. Ok I dosconnected mobile device controller cable and now controller is shut down. A/C still won't turn off??? I'm hesitant to remove battery while A/C is powered on. Advice???
anpowered of mobile device
So with the battery in the ac.. when you press and hold the button for 4+ seconds you go into remote control pairing mode.. can you find the setting to pair rc with ac.. i can't remember what list it is in at the moment but its at the bottom or in an advanced option.. sounds like you are not paired.
I have seen my P3 and M2 delay powering off, particularly my P3 when there's an issue like gimbal. Apparently the AC can keep the battery on until the AC is complete with it's shutdown, and AC is hung.

Go ahead and pull the battery from the AC. Battery should then be able to turn off normally.

You would think that since the AC can control battery power off, that it would properly stop and close video recording when you power off.
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