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Flying Duchmen

New Member
Dec 19, 2017
I had some issues yesterday while flying (basically completely lost RC connection to AC!) and I want to take a look at some logs. However, when I use the DJI Assistant 2 app (btw to get latest version You need to download it from the Phantom 4 link (not the Mavic Pro link) - meaning the latest version is 1.1.8 (not 1.1.6).

In anyway, when I click on the Flight Data icon - I don't see any lines...

I did refresh the firmware on both devices to make sure the FW upgrade is OK but that still didn't help.

I had some issues yesterday while flying (basically completely lost RC connection to AC!) and I want to take a look at some logs. However, when I use the DJI Assistant 2 app (btw to get latest version You need to download it from the Phantom 4 link (not the Mavic Pro link) - meaning the latest version is 1.1.8 (not 1.1.6).

In anyway, when I click on the Flight Data icon - I don't see any lines...

I did refresh the firmware on both devices to make sure the FW upgrade is OK but that still didn't help.

If you're running FW 01.03.0900 or later then you'll need to use the Data Upload icon not the Flight Data icon. You might want to check out

How to retrieve a V3 .DAT File from the AC
The instructions used to work but with latest firmware 1.04. Lates extracdji 3.1.8 hangs when extracting flyxx.dat files from compressed log downloaded by Assistant 2 version 2.
I can no longer read dat files. I am using MacBook pro latest OSX.
The instructions used to work but with latest firmware 1.04. Lates extracdji 3.1.8 hangs when extracting flyxx.dat files from compressed log downloaded by Assistant 2 version 2.
I can no longer read dat files. I am using MacBook pro latest OSX.

Are you sure it's hanging? If the GO! button goes blue when you push it and then returns to green then it's done.

If this button remains blue and there is no activity in the progress bar below it then it's hung. If so, then please Dropbox the .DAT and post a link so that I can take a look.
No I am not sure it is hanging. On a Mac the GO! button has no color. Sometimes the button GO! disappears.

I think your software is ok. I think the issue is I have missing flight logs in the Mavic.
When viewed with DJI Assistant I don't have any flight indexes with my recent flights. I seem to only have records for some power on off events. A typical 15minute flight results in a dat file of around 600mb. All my recent files are 20 to 50mb. Pre version 1.04 firmware it was easy to relate a flyxxx.dat file to a flight by the .dat file time stamp. With the latest Assistant & Mavic firmware I find it difficult to find the appropriate compressed dat and extracted flyxxx.dat without parsing the flyxxx.dat file DJA Asssitant or DatConv (a flyxxx.dat flight date time stamp does not appear to be available after uploading). The extracted dat time stamp is the time of extraction. I extracted an old log that is in the flight index list that I knew which flight it was an all worked ok. In the above example the FLY095.dat was seen as invalid don't know why.
Link to the above exported dat file.
Dropbox - DJI_ASSISTANT_EXPORT_FILE_2018-02-04_18-24-22.DAT
Many thanks for the time and effort you have put into these tools. I have learnt a lot about the Mavic flight behavior on AutoPilot waypoint missions that have lost RC signal by looking at FLYxxx.dat logs uncracked by your tools. Great Tools I don't understand why DJI don't make the data contained in the dat files readily available to all.


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No I am not sure it is hanging. On a Mac the GO! button has no color. Sometimes the button GO! disappears.
View attachment 30628
View attachment 30639

I think your software is ok. I think the issue is I have missing flight logs in the Mavic.
When viewed with DJI Assistant I don't have any flight indexes with my recent flights. I seem to only have records for some power on off events. A typical 15minute flight results in a dat file of around 600mb. All my recent files are 20 to 50mb. Pre version 1.04 firmware it was easy to relate a flyxxx.dat file to a flight by the .dat file time stamp. With the latest Assistant & Mavic firmware I find it difficult to find the appropriate compressed dat and extracted flyxxx.dat without parsing the flyxxx.dat file DJA Asssitant or DatConv (a flyxxx.dat flight date time stamp does not appear to be available after uploading). The extracted dat time stamp is the time of extraction. I extracted an old log that is in the flight index list that I knew which flight it was an all worked ok. In the above example the FLY095.dat was seen as invalid don't know why.
Link to the above exported dat file.
Dropbox - DJI_ASSISTANT_EXPORT_FILE_2018-02-04_18-24-22.DAT
Many thanks for the time and effort you have put into these tools. I have learnt a lot about the Mavic flight behavior on AutoPilot waypoint missions that have lost RC signal by looking at FLYxxx.dat logs uncracked by your tools. Great Tools I don't understand why DJI don't make the data contained in the dat files readily available to all.
The problem with FLY095 is that it's missing the DatHeader which would have info like platform type. This seems to happen sometimes with the tablet .DAT but I don't recall this ever happening with a AC .DAT. A future version of DatCon will provide a "parse it anyway" option for .DAT files that are missing the DatHeader. The attached .zip contains FLY095.csv that can be viewed by loading it into CsvView. It's pretty boring though. No motor start, etc. It occurred 2018-2-4 6:24:44 GMT. This shows the accumulated gyro errors, i.e. the "gyro drift rate"

FLY094 is corrupted in the sense that it is missing a couple of large sections. The DatHeader is intact though. It occurred at 2018-2-4 6:23:6 GMT

I'm reasonably confident that ExtractDJI didn't introduce these errors.

The fact that you were able to extract these .DATs from a Mavic with FW 01.04.0100 is a little surprising. Could you try it again and see if FLY094 or FLY095 are any different.

I'll change ExtractDJI so that it will say FINISHED!! in the log window when it's done.


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Tried the latest Extract.jar, "finished" is a good positive indication it has finished extracting.
My real issue is the aircraft no longer appears have all my logs when viewed with Assistant 2 v1.2.0 "Upload Data" menu option with AC version 1.04.03
Many are missing, does anybody else experience the same?
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CodeCutter, I think I am seeing the same thing... I am not seeing any new dat files for the last 20+ flights I've done in the last 2-3 months... just older stuff is there only.
CodeCutter, I think I am seeing the same thing... I am not seeing any new dat files for the last 20+ flights I've done in the last 2-3 months... just older stuff is there only.
Take a look at this
Crash during auto take-off

That procedure needs to be amended to include removing directories in the /blackbox/vision directory.
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Thanks Budwalker I made the FTP connection and deleted all the suggested files. The last time stamp of the flash dat files was last year. I hope to see my AC dat files on the SD card next flight. I have missed not being able to get the AC logs. Most of my flights are Autopilot with no RC connection. I appreciate you guys posting this info on the forums. It must take a bit of investigation to realise the AC has an FTP Server listening on a specific IP address.
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Ran a test flight today after deleting all existing flyxxx.dat files from the AC via FTP as discussed above. The logs were generated on the AC internal storage as before. I extracted the files using Assistant and converted using Budwalker’s great great tools ExtractDJI & Datconv. All worked ok. I can read AC dat files again. Many Thanks.
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Ran a test flight today after deleting all existing flyxxx.dat files from the AC via FTP as discussed above. The logs were generated on the AC internal storage as before. I extracted the files using Assistant and converted using Budwalker’s great great tools ExtractDJI & Datconv. All worked ok. I can read AC dat files again. Many Thanks.
I started a thread for this.
Keeping .DATs on the Mavic Pro accessible
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