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Obstacle Avoidance error message when landing


Sep 2, 2018
Long Island, NY
Hello all,

Yesterday I was flying and the flight went well, although I did get an "obstacle avoidance error" message when trying to land manualy. I took the bird off again from the same spot and tried to re-land. Same message. Have any of you seen this type of message, only when landing?

Conditions were overcast skies, mid-day. Not much wind. Landing was on packed brown gravel. There were no rocks or anything that seems higher than the flat ground it was landing on, so not sure what would have triggered the message during landing. Also in settings, I do have the OA ticked during landing.

Any feedback would be appreciated :)
Ever since the latest firmware update I have been getting odd obstacle avoidance issues as well. The sensors work but the error message comes up.
if you both using android and last firmware than its normal according to dji
I'm using Android and I also got that with the new update I believe it said temporary Obstacle avoidance error when I was close to the M2 but it's no biggie it still flies fine.
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Android here as well. I can't pin point it to the latest update, that it did happen after, so it may be tied to that.
I've done the sensor calibration with a PC after the update as well. Not certain if it is tied to that.

As you said though, it flies fine otherwise. Just annoying if it is a bug that made its way into the android update.
Hello all,

Yesterday I was flying and the flight went well, although I did get an "obstacle avoidance error" message when trying to land manualy. I took the bird off again from the same spot and tried to re-land. Same message. Have any of you seen this type of message, only when landing?

Conditions were overcast skies, mid-day. Not much wind. Landing was on packed brown gravel. There were no rocks or anything that seems higher than the flat ground it was landing on, so not sure what would have triggered the message during landing. Also in settings, I do have the OA ticked during landing.

Any feedback would be appreciated :)
I get them all the time. I thought I was the only one.
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