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Parallel Flight

Jeremy Clark

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2020
This is probably an embarrassing question, but as a relative newbie with a Mavic Air 2, is there any way to fly manually, parallel sideways on to a still subject in a straight line (NOT an arc) while maintaining focus on the still subject. See my attached (poor!) diagram to see what I mean). As far as I can see, Parallel FocusTrack only works when the subject is moving, whilst standard FocusTrack & POI fly the drone in an arc


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Litchi will do what you want with a waypoint mission. Not sure if it works with the Air or not.
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This is probably an embarrassing question, but as a relative newbie with a Mavic Air 2, is there any way to fly manually, parallel sideways on to a still subject in a straight line (NOT an arc) while maintaining focus on the still subject. See my attached (poor!) diagram to see what I mean). As far as I can see, Parallel FocusTrack only works when the subject is moving, whilst standard FocusTrack & POI fly the drone in an arc
Well the camera should stay in focus easily. If you keep moving in straight line thought (as in your diagram, the subject may end up out of frame. You said you want to do this manually so if you want to keep the subject center fram then you will also need to yaw, and then you will need to compensate to keep the drone flying on that straight line. Not a simple task when flying manually.
Well the camera should stay in focus easily. If you keep moving in straight line thought (as in your diagram, the subject may end up out of frame. You said you want to do this manually so if you want to keep the subject center fram then you will also need to yaw, and then you will need to compensate to keep the drone flying on that straight line. Not a simple task when flying manually.’ve understood my query. The subject will go out of frame, so yaw is the only compensation, so not easy in a straight line. I’ve tried manually compensating during a slow POI arc. Would have thought it would’ve been a relatively easy FocusTrack setting to build’s really similar to the ability to alter drone flight during a POI arc
Flying an arc manually around a subject is pretty easy. You only need to hold consistent yaw and roll stick positions. Flying the straight line will be much more difficult. In addition to constantly changing the yaw rate from slow to fast then back to slow to keep the subject in view, you will also need to constantly change the roll and pitch in order to maintain a straight line flight. As well as adjust the camera angle up and down as you move closer and further away from the subject. Definitely not an easy task.

That's why I suggested Litchi. I enjoy flying manually as much as I can. But sometimes you just have to let the computer get the tough shots.
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That's why I suggested Litchi. I enjoy flying manually as much as I can. But sometimes you just have to let the computer get the tough shots.

Litchi doesn't support the MA2 yet. Need the API to be released first.
I would love to have the ability to have the drone follow a stream, road, etc. Perhaps a wave crashing on a beach, or a field edge. I know there would be fairly restrictive limits to what could be followed - it needs to be clearly distinct, but something's are. They would be a place to start.
Dronelink could do this, and I would expect them to release Mavic Air 2 support soon after the SDK release. It was a matter of days for the Mavic Mini. You might try looking at some of their tutorials on waypoints. You can follow any designated path and keep the camera focused on the point of interest. This video does what I think you’re talking about.

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I believe Spotlight can be combined with waypoints on the MA2. Alternatively, you can create a course lock with RTH and manually control the camera to "spotlight" your subject target.
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This is probably an embarrassing question, but as a relative newbie with a Mavic Air 2, is there any way to fly manually, parallel sideways on to a still subject in a straight line (NOT an arc) while maintaining focus on the still subject. See my attached (poor!) diagram to see what I mean). As far as I can see, Parallel FocusTrack only works when the subject is moving, whilst standard FocusTrack & POI fly the drone in an arc
Maybe I’m not quite getting this, but can’t you just lock on to the subject with Spotlight, then fly sideway past it? The camera will remain fixed on your subject while you fly past it
Maybe I’m not quite getting this, but can’t you just lock on to the subject with Spotlight, then fly sideway past it? The camera will remain fixed on your subject while you fly past it
If I do that, the drone flies in an arc. I want the drone to fly in a straight line sideways (so the target will get further away) but the camera stays locked on the target - see my attached diagram if I'm no being clear
You can't manually control the gimbal left & right on the Mavic Air 2, only up & down
Actually, that’s not correct. If you hold your finger on the screen, you can then drag the gimbal in any direction you wish, but I think it would be too difficult to do in your example.
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If I do that, the drone flies in an arc. I want the drone to fly in a straight line sideways (so the target will get further away) but the camera stays locked on the target - see my attached diagram if I'm no being clear

How is it flying in an arc?

Step 1: Find subject on screen and tap it. Green box appears over relative spot of desired subject.

Step 2: Fly straight, forward, sideways, in an “arc”, any way you want. The camera will fixate on the spot regardless of flight orientation..

Am I not understanding?
How is it flying in an arc?

Step 1: Find subject on screen and tap it. Green box appears over relative spot of desired subject.

Step 2: Fly straight, forward, sideways, in an “arc”, any way you want. The camera will fixate on the spot regardless of flight orientation..

Am I not understanding?
That’s what I thought, but it’s too windy in the UK at moment to check
How is it flying in an arc?

Step 1: Find subject on screen and tap it. Green box appears over relative spot of desired subject.

Step 2: Fly straight, forward, sideways, in an “arc”, any way you want. The camera will fixate on the spot regardless of flight orientation..

Am I not understanding?
I know about locking the subject. Flying back and forward is fine. If i go left or right while locked on a subject in front of the drone, the drone will arc (complete a circle) around the locked subject, maintaining the same distance. I don’t want that....I want to fly sideways in a straight line but still keeping the camera locked on the subject, so the locked subject gets further away. My attached diagram at the top of this post explains
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