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Screen blinks off every 5 seconds.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2017
Has anyone seen this behavior? It almost acts like a low battery warning (as it gets your attention) but I have never encountered it before and could not find any setting for this behavior.

I was flying the Mavic, battery was between 40 and 50%. Every 5 seconds the video feed would shut off for a second, then come back on.

I brought the drone back, landed it, and it continued this behavior even when I was right next to it. So, I don't think it was an interference issue. I saw no errors in the system when I looked back at this flight. The app screen would stay live (with all the icons and menus) but the video would cut out.

I flew the drone the next day and everything was fine. ?

I was not recording video out the time so I'm not sure if this was a transmission failure or a camera issue.

.400 on the drone. iPhone running DJI Go 4 (not sure what version, I haven't updated once I stopped updating the drone firmware, hasn't given me any issues though.)
This can be App related, device related or even SD Card, usual steps to follow is

Reboot the device and make sure all background apps are closed.

Try another USB cable.

Try another SD Card

Delete the App, reboot the device then download again.
Okay, thanks. Wasn't sure if anyone else had seen the same error. (did a quick search but too many un-related things came up.)

As nothing has broken until now, Ill stick with your reboot suggestions and closing other apps. Will also confirm that the SD card it in secure. Will see if this repeats. It was a head scratcher and I was not sure if it was a precursor to a total shut down... so I brought it back quick. It occurred mid-flight.
Same thing happened with me today. Did you ever determine the problem and solution?
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