Sorry if this is a dumb question... I can't figure out what the SD Card Slot on my Mavic Smart Controller has an advantage for? Little background... I have a Mavic 2 Zoom with a 128GB card installed into the drone. Whenever I'm done flying and recording, I pop it out and download all pics and vids to my PC. Since I had an extra 128GB card, I decided to install it into the controller. It prompted and asked if I wanted it to default to save to the card. Now looking at it after my last flight, it has the exact same contents from my drone. Any advantages to this that I cannot see? Does it use more battery life since it's recording? Any clarifications or explanations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!! (And again, sorry if this is a dumb question. I've read the entire manual for the drone and controller, and as I understand... it's just a redundant backup?)