I really enjoyed your video and it brought back many memories of the past! I first went to Segovia 58 years ago when I was stationed at the Torrejon AFB near Madrid. I purposely went as there was a movie shot in the late 1950s that showed the Roman Aquaduct and the Alcázar Castle and Segovia.
At that time I went to visit the Alcázar Castle weekly and I got to know the guards well who let me wander throughout the Castle unescorted. Just to the right of the Thrones was an escape trapdoor which led to a circular stone staircase and down to the dungeons and eventually to a tunnel that went under the river. I entered the tunnel but chickened out when I came to where it was caving in. I've got many hundreds of photos of thoughout the Castle and of the Cathedral, plus of everything in the local area. The last time that I visited the Castle was in 1976 when I took my daughter and son throughout the Castle including down into the dungeons via that trapdoor. Thanks for the memories!!!