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several issues happened today, need help


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2017
So I went out flying today, I have roughly 300 flights under my belt with my Mavic Pro and these are the things I experienced......
Early afternoon, first flight of the day I went to fly in a very congested area to get a terrific shot that i knew was going to be tough between two huge skyscrapers and several smaller buildings, essentially a cove of sorts. The Mav had a hard time getting sats however finally did get a lock and I took off put it into tripod mode and it was just to hard to control it was drifting conostantly, warning gps weak, signal interf.....all the typical warnings that come with flying in such areas. I typically take it careful and away from people and keep the flight short. anyway that happened.
Took the bird to a new location in which I should have gotten no problems, locked right away took off went to alt. of roughly 400 ft and flew 900-1200 ft out, at that time my Ipad 4 screen went completely black and I had no transmission, my map was working fine so I flew back using the map until I could get a solid LOS, at the time it went to black I was switching back a nd forth extremely fast from video to photo, photo to video....etc back and forth several times.
Needless to say I landed the craft and noticed although my Ipad screen was completely black I still recorded and took photos fine? In other words the camera seemed to be working just fine it was my trasmission that was the issue? after resetting several times, playing with the settings my feed finally came back????
I view all data on my craft using Airdata and everything is working flawless concerning that data, and I check daily, I am very unclear on why this would have happened.
If anyone has ANY info on this or where to start testing I would greatly appreciate it. I will also mention for the first time since owning the bird, this is embarring to admit but twice in the last two days I left the gimbal lock on duriing start up UGGGHHHH I NEVER DO THAT???????? Anyway I did, first time I caught it becuase of fte warning, so it was only locked for 1-2 seconds tops first time, second time I remebered immediately before it even warned me....
Needless to say I landed the craft and noticed although my Ipad screen was completely black I still recorded and took photos fine? In other words the camera seemed to be working just fine it was my trasmission that was the issue? after resetting several times, playing with the settings my feed finally came back????

Have you checked your cable between your device and the controller? Many times such issues can be resolved by pulling and reseating the cable during flight if a feed goes out (especially since your controller had a connection and the drone was functioning normally). At least this would be the first place to start.
What version of IOS? Apparently there have been issues uncovered in the last few weeks with an older version of IOS and later version of Go4.
Have you checked your cable between your device and the controller? Many times such issues can be resolved by pulling and reseating the cable during flight if a feed goes out (especially since your controller had a connection and the drone was functioning normally). At least this would be the first place to start.

I agree with this, as I had the same problem, and puling the cable out and then in again reinstated the screen on my iPad.

also check your device socket.
before I changed to ipad mini as dedicated device I was using my phone.
dust ect had got into the socket and built up until the plug was not fully seating. a blast with a compressed air can cleared it and solved the problem.
Thanks guys, Yeah pulling and reinserting the cable was literally the first thing I did, and I have the really nice 6 inch Polar Pro. Today however a new thing happened I think I found a connection, I inserted an SD card I have been using extensively and same thing prior to take off, no signal nor did it recognize the card. I tried and tried and then finally went to a new card and haven't had a problem since? I will update you guys as I go. I do however have to update the Ipad so that may be a consideration
So thought I would give a final summary to those that read this post....without a doubt it was my SD card, for whatever reason my one SD card that has been used extensively is the root of the problem. Upon pulling out card it fixed immediately, put it back in problem came back immediately, pulled out once again resolved. I just feel that once we use a SD card a hundred or so flights it will become worn? Anyway if you have loss of transmission issues try pulling card.
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