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Smart Controller screen lifting


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2021
New Jersey
For any of you that have the smart controller, have you had part of the screen start to lift on the edge? I never thought of it until someone mentioned it in a YouTube video and I checked mine and yeah one edge is lifting. Ugh

Dji said they would replace the controller but I don't want to go another 2 weeks with no controller (they replaced my first one which had calibration issues). It works fine but I worry it will get worse.
I for one would send it back. They are too expensive for that kind of quality issue. Use your original controller until they send it back (or a new one).
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You say you don't want to go another two weeks without your Smart Controller, so don't. However, ask yourself what is your alternative. I doubt you have an answer for that, therefore, sending it back is your only option, because I doubt you are prepared to live with it, the way it is.
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I for one would send it back. They are too expensive for that kind of quality issue. Use your original controller until they send it back (or a new one).
I only have the smart controller because I got the smart controller MA2 Fly More bundle.

Yeah I'll probably get it over with and send it back. I really hate losing flying time.
Hopefully they can get it fixed or get you a replacement quickly.
That's what I am hoping. When I sent my first controller in, I sent the drone also because I wasn't 100% if it was the controller or drone. The shipping label I got was for Texas. This time I am only sending the controller in and the shipping label was for California! From the east coast, this means an additional day each way for shipping :(.

It's really pushing up against my vacation to the beach where I really want to get some cool footage. So, on Ebay I found a standard controller for a really good price, so I'll have that by Friday. I can fly while I wait for my SC and I'll have a backup. It will also be interesting to see if I notice the performance differences I've heard talked about. I loaded DJI Fly on my phone first to make sure it was compatible.
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