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Air 2 The Lives of Others

Nice photo.

Happens to me a lot; when reviewing the video I see bystanders looking up whom I didn't see when flying.
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Awesome shot, but she doesn't look happy :)
Though it wasn't your intent, this is one of those unfortunate instances when someone can justifiably say that there was a drone right above them and spying on them. And more unfortunately, they can then imagine (and talk about) all sorts of nefarious motives and actions. Imagine her reaction if she'd been stretched out naked on the boat.

The same thing could certainly happen with a guy 100 yards down the way with a pair of binoculars or a camera with a 1200mm lens. But drones are far easier to detect and they evoke a lot of emotional reaction from some folks.

We need to keep this sort of possibility in mind when we're flying.
Though it wasn't your intent, this is one of those unfortunate instances when someone can justifiably say that there was a drone right above them and spying on them. And more unfortunately, they can then imagine (and talk about) all sorts of nefarious motives and actions. Imagine her reaction if she'd been stretched out naked on the boat.

The same thing could certainly happen with a guy 100 yards down the way with a pair of binoculars or a camera with a 1200mm lens. But drones are far easier to detect and they evoke a lot of emotional reaction from some folks.

We need to keep this sort of possibility in mind when we're flying.
I agree 100%

Sometimes trying to grab a good photo is not the thing to do.
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When I started taking photos,I had a “street photography” mentality but after a while I try to put myself in their shoes and think if I would like to be photographed..

It is too easy to invade the privacy of others with a drone and most of them would think that they are the subject of your photos.

I try to mostly avoid people in my photos but accidentally they might end up taking 100X90px of it 😁
Chilling photo! Well done!
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