Youngstown MavicPro
Noobie Mavic Pro pilot here. How are you guys? I'm just wondering if yo guys have any video taking tips my channel is above of the videos iv'e taken. I know in the winter wonderland video i put the filter on sideways that was my fault it was cold. I learned about moving slow and steady when controlling the drone or you get jello. I don't change any settings on my app but it is on 2.7K if you guys have any tips i would appreciate it. If you guys subscribe to my channel i'll definitely sub back i love to see new vids and photo's from other man pilots. HAPPY FLYING!
Noobie Mavic Pro pilot here. How are you guys? I'm just wondering if yo guys have any video taking tips my channel is above of the videos iv'e taken. I know in the winter wonderland video i put the filter on sideways that was my fault it was cold. I learned about moving slow and steady when controlling the drone or you get jello. I don't change any settings on my app but it is on 2.7K if you guys have any tips i would appreciate it. If you guys subscribe to my channel i'll definitely sub back i love to see new vids and photo's from other man pilots. HAPPY FLYING!