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Uk range


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Jun 11, 2020
I currently have the Mavic Air and considering upgrading to Mavic Air 2
i am in the UK and I have used the hack to have FCC so increases range and video quality.
my question is will the Air 2 have better video quality and range because of Occusync or will my hacked FCC with the Mavic Air give better signal ?
I’m a previous MA owner who applied the FCC hack for improved range. Now flying the MA2 ‘out of the box’ and am having no problem with range or video transmission quality, way beyond the distance I would fly the other. Should point out that I’m flying in a rural area.
the occusync system is far superior to standard WIFI ,and is one of the most outstanding innovations of DJI drones ,in as much as the stable connection it gives between the RC and AC,until you have flown an occusync drone you dont realise what you are missing
But with OccuSync + FCC you get even more range than either OccuSync + CE or Wifi + FCC surely?
I wasn't asking about flying in the UK or flying legally in the UK. I was talking about the range from different protocols under different regs.
the range with Occusync ,is always going to be better than Just WIFI ,regardless of whether its in 2.4 or 5.8 ,and it also depends on the Radio communication ,protocols ,with regards to radiated strength ,in the country you are in ,the increased range ,comes mainly from the signal stability that Occusync gives you
Occusync/Occusync 2 is probably the best bit of tech DJI has.
It provides reliable, large bandwidth, low latency links using very low power and overheads.
It performs incredibly well in conditions that most other protocols would have fallen apart.

Its always going to win over WiFi (and Lightbridge etc).

Its not a question of brute force and power, the protocol itself makes all the difference.

(and yes, FCC mode is enabled only in regions where FCC mode is legal. Outside that its illegal and in many countries, a criminal offence. As are antenna boosters, directional antennas etc as its based on ERP).
Remember the FCC hack is illegal in the UK.

If you're flying legally, Occusync will be more than adequate for the distances involved. Its an excellent protocol.
arh sugar the drone police are on patrol....:p:p
Factual statement. Occusync is an excellent protocol and even used totally legally is more than adequate.
Why do an illegal hack when it provides no benefit at all?
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