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Up the mountain

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May 16, 2019
I understand everything is from stat point, is it ok to take height restrictions off if you want to fly just above the trees and to the top of a mountain or hill. Almost took restricting off today and got a message saying I may be in trouble if anything happens. I decided not to take any chances in case following tree line up a large mountain is against the law.
I understand everything is from stat point, is it ok to take height restrictions off if you want to fly just above the trees and to the top of a mountain or hill. Almost took restricting off today and got a message saying I may be in trouble if anything happens. I decided not to take any chances in case following tree line up a large mountain is against the law.
My understanding is that you need to remain under 400 ft AGL. That could mean that as you fly uphill and over trees that you get higher than 400 ft above home point. That is ok as long as you stay below 400 ft AGL. Just be careful on the downhill return to descend as you come home. The rth height could be an issue requiring careful planning.
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