Smashed my Mavic 3 into a tree (Sport mode flying backwards) If anyone has a reasonably priced Mavic 3 for sale, I don't need batteries or accessories. Just the arms, gimbal and camera (or a complete unit)
Sydney, Australia.
If you have an official DJI repair center, send ot there. Probably a lot cheaper AND more than likely you will receive a new or factory refurbed unit in its place.
Thanks, I'll try this. It's going to be an expensive exercise though. 10 years of flying and my first impact with a tree. The only good part is the battery
Smashed my Mavic 3 into a tree (Sport mode flying backwards) If anyone has a reasonably priced Mavic 3 for sale, I don't need batteries or accessories. Just the arms, gimbal and camera (or a complete unit)
Sydney, Australia.