I want to see what shows up in columns DS, DT & DU, respectively MC.isBraking, MC.isAvoidingObstacle, MC.isAvoidingActiveObstacle in the csv of the log once the .txt has been processed.
I am unable to send a log file to you sorry, but I have seen my A2S ascend mid-flight on full acceleration without me having touched the pitch stick while OA was selected to Bypass. Changing it to Brake instantly made things normal. My guess is that it detected birds in front of it and changed its forward course to ascending mode to bypass.
Thanks does the forum stop you attaching the txt to a PM?
If so could you upload the txt to DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help and PM me the URL? I can then download the txt from there and the page will expire/disappear in a week or so.