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DJI discontinues Phantom series!

As for the low stock levels of the P3/P4 - that might be DJI preparing to discontinue those models as well but obviously not before the P5 is released.
DJI haven't been producing any Phantoms since the end of October and have been out of stock since then.
Some retailers have had stock because they ordered large quantities but they are now running out.
Having no stock available to sell for four months is not something a manufacturer does to prepare for a new model.
Could you imagine Toyota doing that?
DJI have never done it in the past either.

DJI are up to something odd that they are not explaining but they have not made any announcement about discontinuing the Phantom line.
I suspect the rumours of its demise are somewhat premature.
And let's not forget all of the leaked photos of the unreleased Phantom with an interchangeable lens. Here are a few of them:



It is interesting that the Phantom 1 page refers you to the Mavic line and not other Phantoms. Just saying.
It is interesting that the Phantom 1 page refers you to the Mavic line and not other Phantoms
Maybe they are thinking it doesn't make sense to link people to out of stock products?
DJI haven't been producing any Phantoms since the end of October and have been out of stock since then.
Some retailers have had stock because they ordered large quantities but they are now running out.
Having no stock available to sell for four months is not something a manufacturer does to prepare for a new model.
Could you imagine Toyota doing that?
DJI have never done it in the past either.

DJI are up to something odd that they are not explaining but they have not made any announcement about discontinuing the Phantom line.
I suspect the rumours of its demise are somewhat premature.

Time will tell, but in the meantime, Phantom owners might be wondering whats going on.

Hows the weather on the Phantom forum? Any insights as to what might be going on?
@crystal-pete what do you think after watching the video?

TBH - I think I'm even more confused after watching Bill's video. In any case, I'm excited about the possibility of a Phantom 5 with interchangeable cameras as someone suggested above.

"Until further notice" is kind of ambiguous - could mean anything really.
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TBH - I think I'm even more confused after watching Bill's video. In any case, I'm excited about the possibility of a Phantom 5 with interchangeable cameras as someone suggested above.

"Until further notice" is kind of ambiguous - could mean anything really.

Im used to ambiguous. After all, Im also a DJI customer.
I enjoy Bill's videos and he's a nice and really enthusiastic guy. At times though I feel he let's his enthusiasm and speculation run a little far. I did myself until recently believe that the P4P V2.0 supply issue was probably related to the fraud issue. I no longer think that is the case.

I've commented quietly on this in another thread and I'll repeat what I have been told here. As I say in the other thread I make no claims to have inside connections with DJI or that my information is 100% accurate but I am satisfied enough that it is pretty close. I'll elaborate a little more here why I think what I do but I'm not going to be too specific or answer any questions and it's pretty obvious why.

I've got a pretty good relationship an authorised DJI dealer and repairer, to the point where being a qualified technician as well as an RePL I've had some informal discussion with them about doing some repair work for them on a contract basis when they are snowed under. That's all I'll say as I don't want to disadvantage them or myself.

Obviously DJI dealers deal with the Regional Managers who work under the National manager who reports to head office etc. I can tell you that if you ask a senior DJI employee a question straight out they look at you with a blank face and say "I can't comment on that". They are remarkably disciplined. I hear that on the other hand if you shut up they can drop surprising things in general conversation when orders are being placed, or attempted to be placed and other things. You can then read between the lines.

Yes, the P4P V2.0 and all the P4s with the exception of the RTK are done. The "parts supply" issue that has made the V2.0 unavailable has nothing to do with the ongoing fraud case or DJI severing relationship with any partner. It came down to the fact that DJI's contract for a certain component in the P4's expired late last year and DJI made the call (I get the impression at the 11th hour although that wasn't said outright) not to renew the licence for that proprietary part for another year. Probably it was felt the projected life of the P4 was not worth the investment (My own conclusion, no one told me that part) . DJI are still buying parts from this supplier for other models, it was a straight out business call not a falling out. The production of the RTK in the small numbers it is made is not critically dependent on that part.

The "leaked" pictures from last year shown earlier in this thread are surprisingly enough exactly as claimed. A small run of "Enterprise Models" made as a one off for a large corporate entity who had pockets deep enough to interest DJI in doing the job. There is no plan on releasing a P4 Enterprise other than the RTK for general sale.

I'm not going into technical specifications but yes a P5 is expected although not yet in mainstream production and was, last I heard still planned but the date floated by DJI internally for an announcement has already come and passed earlier this year. Whether this means anything or not I won't comment on because I don't know but the Mavic 2 was delayed more that once to DJI's embarrassment so perhaps nothing will be said until release is set in stone ... or perhaps there has been another change of plan .. I don't know so I can't say.

So, that's what I've heard while shutting up and not asking questions and with a little reading between the lines. Like Bill, I don't claim to have any official source of information. Perhaps I'm being fed a smoke screen to purposely spread disinformation but I somehow don't think so personally.

To repeat my comment from the other thread. That's what I heard, put as much weight on it as you choose.

I enjoy Bill's videos and he's a nice and really enthusiastic guy. At times though I feel he let's his enthusiasm and speculation run a little far. I did myself until recently believe that the P4P V2.0 supply issue was probably related to the fraud issue. I no longer think that is the case.

I've commented quietly on this in another thread and I'll repeat what I have been told here. As I say in the other thread I make no claims to have inside connections with DJI or that my information is 100% accurate but I am satisfied enough that it is pretty close. I'll elaborate a little more here why I think what I do but I'm not going to be too specific or answer any questions and it's pretty obvious why.

I've got a pretty good relationship an authorised DJI dealer and repairer, to the point where being a qualified technician as well as an RePL I've had some informal discussion with them about doing some repair work for them on a contract basis when they are snowed under. That's all I'll say as I don't want to disadvantage them or myself.

Obviously DJI dealers deal with the Regional Managers who work under the National manager who reports to head office etc. I can tell you that if you ask a senior DJI employee a question straight out they look at you with a blank face and say "I can't comment on that". They are remarkably disciplined. I hear that on the other hand if you shut up they can drop surprising things in general conversation when orders are being placed, or attempted to be placed and other things. You can then read between the lines.

Yes, the P4P V2.0 and all the P4s with the exception of the RTK are done. The "parts supply" issue that has made the V2.0 unavailable has nothing to do with the ongoing fraud case or DJI severing relationship with any partner. It came down to the fact that DJI's contract for a certain component in the P4's expired late last year and DJI made the call (I get the impression at the 11th hour although that wasn't said outright) not to renew the licence for that proprietary part for another year. Probably it was felt the projected life of the P4 was not worth the investment (My own conclusion, no one told me that part) . DJI are still buying parts from this supplier for other models, it was a straight out business call not a falling out. The production of the RTK in the small numbers it is made is not critically dependent on that part.

The "leaked" pictures from last year shown earlier in this thread are surprisingly enough exactly as claimed. A small run of "Enterprise Models" made as a one off for a large corporate entity who had pockets deep enough to interest DJI in doing the job. There is no plan on releasing a P4 Enterprise other than the RTK for general sale.

I'm not going into technical specifications but yes a P5 is expected although not yet in mainstream production and was, last I heard still planned but the date floated by DJI internally for an announcement has already come and passed earlier this year. Whether this means anything or not I won't comment on because I don't know but the Mavic 2 was delayed more that once to DJI's embarrassment so perhaps nothing will be said until release is set in stone ... or perhaps there has been another change of plan .. I don't know so I can't say.

So, that's what I've heard while shutting up and not asking questions and with a little reading between the lines. Like Bill, I don't claim to have any official source of information. Perhaps I'm being fed a smoke screen to purposely spread disinformation but I somehow don't think so personally.

To repeat my comment from the other thread. That's what I heard, put as much weight on it as you choose.


Although youre not a DJI rep or employee, it seems like you have cut through the smoke screen of secrecy and were able to figure out what is actually happening with the P4P, P4A, and illusory P5. If you go missing, we will know DJI has you locked in a dungeon somewhere until the P5 makes it to market.

If you are right, Im wondering how many die hard Mavic fans will opt for a Phantom. Not this Mavic fanboy.
I won't miss changing P4 shells and landing gear, or extracting welded in batteries. It's a dinosaur of a design who's time has passed.
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If you go missing, we will know DJI has you locked in a dungeon somewhere until the P5 makes it to market.

They can't frighten me, I've been married for 35 years LOL

If you are right, Im wondering how many die hard Mavic fans will opt for a Phantom. Not this Mavic fanboy.
I won't miss changing P4 shells and landing gear, or extracting welded in batteries. It's a dinosaur of a design who's time has passed.

Look, I like the Mavic 2 quite a lot, I own a Zoom to allow me to do inspections from a safer distance but for all it's versatility it is not the be all and end all that it's fanbois like to think it is. There is not a nicer platform to fly, the flight time at slower speeds is brilliant although once you get up to 20Mph + the efficiency drops away and the P4 will outlast it and the cameras are good ...enough for the most part.

As a commercial operator I have to say that the amount of tenders that come up where I see where the Phantom 4 Pro is specified in writing as required is high. The last one for a 5 figure sum only last week (I'm not big enough to quote for that pay grade yet and had to pass on tendering). If you are doing mapping, survey and photogrammetry on an industrial level the Mavic 2 doesn't cut the grade and it's got nothing to do with the "Pixel binning / line scanning" controversy. it just simply comes down to the fact that a rolling software shutter doesn't cut it. Even some of my Inspire cameras don't make the cut. As far as aerial survey goes and looking at flight time vs picture quality goes the P4P is still the best show in town. I'm looking to buy another one before they vanish totally from the shelves due to the lack of hard data on the date when a P5 will appear and what price point it will be at when it does.

I won't miss changing P4 shells and landing gear, or extracting welded in batteries. It's a dinosaur of a design who's time has passed.

Well, I hear what you are saying but I think experience and attitude will vary from operator to operator. I'm yet to break a shell or landing gear or anything else but my best points are as a pilot, want someone to back their bird into the trees on a ridge line to take images of a the resort nestled in the valley below or to fly an R.P.A. into the cabin of a beached vessel 350M offshore while doing a salvage survey? .. I'm your man ... photography and imaging not so much so. I'm not a 'pretty pictures" guy but I'm working hard to improve that lack of skills. For me the P4 is still a very relevant airframe to fly and lacking in vices ... it's just a little bulky compared to a Mavic 2.

Also if and when the P5 does end up making it through to general sale while there are obviously going to be a lot of changes as regards the camera payload and other things I think there are going to be a lot of similarities in form factor between the P4 and P5 so some people may be disappointed.

As I said above I have both, well I have Spark, Air, Zoom, P4 and Inspire to be precise so I don't have to play favourites. Each has their own niche to fill. If they made a Mavic with a camera with the same hardware as the P4P, namely the hardware shutter I wouldn't need to own both. As DJI haven't chosen to go down that path I need to campaign the P4 until a viable replacement appears.

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We need to catch up for a beer and a chat at some stage Decado
What I hate is you can't auto land the P4 in any wind or it will tip over,

No argument from me, it is not a deal breaker in my eyes as I use RTH to bring it overhead but always land in manually but there is no arguing that it has a "narrow wheelbase" lol.

I suspect, and I have not heard anything about this, it's just my personal suspicions, that while a P5 would be rather P4 like that due to the propensity of the P4 to tip over and the rotors coming into frame at at speed that DJI may well take a leaf out of some it's competitors book and have a broader more squat land gear and raised engine mounting points ... at least we can hope. I am still a little worried that there has been another change of heart and the whole Phantom line will end since the last information I heard ... but I always was a worrier.

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I think people will see the job offers from companies slowly turn away from demanding Phantoms as the preferred drone, and towards the Mavic 2 as the daily workhorse. After all, the M2P is more expensive than the P4P, and that can be pointed out to customers. For most jobs, the camera in the M2 is good enough. Its the post processing that sets many images apart. The M2 has proven itself to be a sensational everymans drone, with a cheap entry level model, great portability, and easy repairs compared to the Phantom.

I understand that aerial photographers might lose some jobs that currently require them to have a Phantom, but the Phantom is no longer the rule as much as it is an option. Most aerial photographers can get the job done with a Spark, and dont need a P4P. The mapping industry sounds like the exception to the rule, and if a customer required me to have an obsolete Phantom kept around for their exclusive use only, they will have to pay substantially more for the job just to compensate me for the calories I burn lugging it around.

I personally find the Mavic to be the most stable drone at any altitude and in any condition. Maybe that's just me. The Phantom has a huge profile, and the wind bats it around. Landings are also interesting due to ground effect. The M2 is more stealthy, sleeker, and aerodynamic.

Battery life in a Phantom is slightly greater than a Mavic, but it is a much larger capacity battery. The Mavic has a 3850mah battery and the P4P a 5870mah battery. If the Mavic 2 had a 5870, it could stay airborne for 35-40 minutes.
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