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Does size really matter?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Can anyone confirm is 64GB is really the maximum size for the mini SD card? Storage is so cheap and Im about to buy a new card for my Mavic Pro. Can anyone verify if cards bigger than 64GB will work in the Mavic Pro?

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Some people are successfully using 128GB memory cards. You can find some threads on that topic in these search results.
For cameras many people prefer having multiple smaller cards instead of one huge one so that when it fails/gets corrupted/you lose it/whatever you lose less.
Can anyone confirm is 64GB is really the maximum size for the mini SD card? Storage is so cheap and Im about to buy a new card for my Mavic Pro. Can anyone verify if cards bigger than 64GB will work in the Mavic Pro?

I have a 200GB SanDisk. Works perfectly.

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In most cases if the card isn't blatantly ignored by the device it will probably not store more than 64GB since it will incapable to access the MSB of the memory address, which is the other 64GB.
I use 64GB cards and never have issues with space. Recording full 4k @ 60mb/s will give you ~142 minutes before your card is full. Alternatively it will give you just over 2,500 RAW photos. Another thing to keep in mind is that ~should~ anything happen to your Mavic, it's better to only lose a small portion of data, rather than a full day, or week's worth, and so many people recommend changing cards every so often to mitigate this risk.
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