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FAA (LAANC) says "authorized" but DJI geofencing (LATAS) says "no fly zone"


Dec 17, 2016
Twice in the past week, Mavic 2 refused to fly due to No Fly Zone. In both instances, DJI prohibits launch because the LATAS geofencing does NOT agee with the official UAS Facility Map. Case#1:, the UASFM clearly states an altitude up to 100 ft and LAANC grants authorization automatically. Case#2: the UASFM states altitude limit = 0 and I had to go through FAA manual authorization.
Although the DJI fly-safe page supports unlocking, there are four problems:
(a) geofence based upon LATAS considers some areas NFZ which the FAA does NOT (b) DJI fly-safe page does not unlock red zone unless documentation is submitted. (c) in case #1 there is no documentation to submit. (d) the only documentation is a LAANC text message.

Seriously, without LAANC integration in the DJI software, the drone can be am expensive but useless paperweight.
As @sar104 stated getting a Custom Unlock is the process here. We've done it several times even in 0' grid sections with great success. YMMV
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I see - but I'm well aware how it works and I wasn't asking how to do it - I was asking whether that was the method that the OP used in the end.
I know and understand. I was trying to do the same thing. Actually, I was responding to him not you. Sorry for any confusion. .
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DJI recently signed up to be a LAANC provider, so hopefully this gets less annoying once DJI directly implements LAANC authorization in their apps. At that point, they can more directly mesh the "flysafe" zones with LAANC authorization grids.
DJI recently signed up to be a LAANC provider, so hopefully this gets less annoying once DJI directly implements LAANC authorization in their apps. At that point, they can more directly mesh the "flysafe" zones with LAANC authorization grids.

This is good news! Hope this fully gets implemented. My local little town airport has yet to implement LAANC.
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