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Help before travel to Vanuatu Volcano and Fiji

For the record.

The above post from the so called uavsystems international is a scam.They cannot apply for a permit on your behalf - firstly Vanuatu doesn't have a permit option.
They have never corresponded with us and are unknown to us.
It is also illegal to offer civil aviation services in Vanuatu unless authorised by the CAAV under their Act.

RPAS and RPAS Operators require a REGISTRATION that takes no more than 5 minutes to obtain online.
If anyone has been unfortunate to have sent their money for the 'permit', you must be aware that this will not be accepted in Vanuatu and to avoid having your drone confiscated you should contact us urgently before attempting to operate in Vanuatu.

There is only one avenue to obtain a Registration and that is through the official CAAV-VKS drone website.

RTH - vanuatu

Mark Lowen
National Drone Manager
Port Vila
Also for the record
In Vanuatu there is no distinction between private/recreational and commercial use.
It is the same registration regardless of use.

Mark Lowen
National RPAS Manager
No, it is not a scam, we very clearly state on the site, "if we cannot obtain permission/permit for you, we will issue a full refund." Payment is via Paypal or Amazon Pay which have very easy dispute methods for customers to get their money back if we do not deliver what we said. So I would advise you to re-evaluate what you said.

We are not issuing the permits, we are simply an intermediary between the user and the government in Vanuatu who does the paperwork and files the appropriate forms on behalf of the user. We do not claim to be anything other than that.

You already know you can't obtain 'permission' for Vanuatu
you are scamming people on their trust that you can do this for Vanuatu
You already know you can't obtain 'permission' for Vanuatu
you are scamming people on their trust that you can do this for Vanuatu

The fact you state that you act as an intermediary between the user and the government of Vanuatu is false. I am the registrar and I have never heard of you and if you had contact with us you would have been told you cannot provide the promised service.
The fact you want to argue with me proves the point you have no clue about the process and are simply scamming people
For the record.

The above post from the so called uavsystems international is a scam.They cannot apply for a permit on your behalf - firstly Vanuatu doesn't have a permit option.
They have never corresponded with us and are unknown to us.
It is also illegal to offer civil aviation services in Vanuatu unless authorised by the CAAV under their Act.

RPAS and RPAS Operators require a REGISTRATION that takes no more than 5 minutes to obtain online.
If anyone has been unfortunate to have sent their money for the 'permit', you must be aware that this will not be accepted in Vanuatu and to avoid having your drone confiscated you should contact us urgently before attempting to operate in Vanuatu.

There is only one avenue to obtain a Registration and that is through the official CAAV-VKS drone website.

RTH - vanuatu

Mark Lowen
National Drone Manager
Port Vila

Again, we do not issue ANY permit, and we have not dealt with any in Vanuatu to date, but we are aware of the process to get registered if someone asks us. Our service is filing the papers on the users behalf, NOT issuing a permit.

As I also said, it is NOT a scam, if we do not register the drone for the operator, they are refunded their money. We ONLY accept payment via Paypal, or Amazon Pay, both services that FULLY REFUND the customer if we do not deliver what they paid for.
from the uavsystems international website -
Is It Possible To Get A Commercial Drone Permit In Time?
It usually takes around 3 weeks to obtain a commercial drone permit, however, in some countries and under some circumstances, the process can be completed faster. Send us an email, or message us via the chat box at the bottom right of the screen with the following information to allow us to check if we can obtain a drone permit in time,

- there is no such thing as a commercial drone permit in Vanuatu and it only takes 5 minutes to register, not 3 weeks as you state.
Again, we do not issue ANY permit, and we have not dealt with any in Vanuatu to date, but we are aware of the process to get registered if someone asks us. Our service is filing the papers on the users behalf, NOT issuing a permit.

As I also said, it is NOT a scam, if we do not register the drone for the operator, they are refunded their money. We ONLY accept payment via Paypal, or Amazon Pay, both services that FULLY REFUND the customer if we do not deliver what they paid for.

You cannot 'file' anything on behalf of someone else.
You have been caught and no amount of ******** will make any difference.
In fact now I am aware of your scam we will be posting an alert on the website, and I can guarantee that any 'form' from you will not be even considered as it is outside the process.
Visitors to Vanuatu be aware !

Mark Lowen
National RPAS Registrar and Manager
Port Vila
You cannot 'file' anything on behalf of someone else.
You have been caught and no amount of ******** will make any difference.
In fact now I am aware of your scam we will be posting an alert on the website, and I can guarantee that any 'form' from you will not be even considered as it is outside the process.
Visitors to Vanuatu be aware !

Mark Lowen
National RPAS Registrar and Manager
Port Vila

I will repeat it again, it is not a scam, in fact, going to our webpage you will see the following notices at the top of the page,

  • BEFORE PURCHASING - Please check with us via the chat or email to ensure we can obtain a permit in time for your travels. In some countries, it may not be possible for us to obtain permission on your behalf, and others it can take up to several months for the authorities to process all the necessary paperwork!
  • We do NOT generate these permits ourselves, these permits are obtained from the local government that we work with so the process varies greatly depending on the country you need authorization for
  • The cost here is the cost of our time to provide these services and do the paperwork on your behalf, some governments have small additional fees that must be paid directly to them
  • Avoid having your drone confiscated at the airport or border crossing by border officers who may not understand the local drone laws with this drone authorization
  • Letter of Authorization (also called a Drone Permit) from the country of your choice - in some countries, this is called a "drone permit", "drone registration", or "drone authorization"
  • This letter of authorization (drone permit) will only authorize you to fly for recreational use in the country you choose, not commercially
  • Price is for one country - speak to a customer service agent today for information on multi-country and annual subscriptions
  • Money Back Guarantee: If we cannot obtain the permit for you for any reason we will issue a full refund

A) If someone came to us and paid for Vanuatu, we would reach out to you to get the papers filed on their behalf and you would say "sorry, you cannot file on their behalf". We would say, ok, we will let the customer know they must do it directly through you, direct them there, and refund their money
B) Our service is NO DIFFERENT than similar services that exist for filing visa applications and other government paperwork on the customer's behalf
C) We have not processed any registrations for Vanuatu, so we were not informed that this is a process that cannot be done via a third party.
Again, we do not issue ANY permit, and we have not dealt with any in Vanuatu to date, but we are aware of the process to get registered if someone asks us. Our service is filing the papers on the users behalf, NOT issuing a permit.

As I also said, it is NOT a scam, if we do not register the drone for the operator, they are refunded their money. We ONLY accept payment via Paypal, or Amazon Pay, both services that FULLY REFUND the customer if we do not deliver what they paid for.
So, knowing you can't get a Permit (you are aware they don't exist) you will take peoples money knowing that under you terms you will need to refund it ?
again a false statement when you say you are aware of the process - and in the next breath say you have never dealt with Vanuatu ?
and despite the fact I have just told you that everything you are claiming is false - you still want to argue with me ???
It should leave no doubt in the minds of forum users that you have been promising something you have no possibility to provide and despite my self being the National Registrar you expect that you can ignore the facts and argue the point ?
get out of here .... uavscam international ....
I will repeat it again, it is not a scam, in fact, going to our webpage you will see the following notices at the top of the page,

  • BEFORE PURCHASING - Please check with us via the chat or email to ensure we can obtain a permit in time for your travels. In some countries, it may not be possible for us to obtain permission on your behalf, and others it can take up to several months for the authorities to process all the necessary paperwork!
  • We do NOT generate these permits ourselves, these permits are obtained from the local government that we work with so the process varies greatly depending on the country you need authorization for
  • The cost here is the cost of our time to provide these services and do the paperwork on your behalf, some governments have small additional fees that must be paid directly to them
  • Avoid having your drone confiscated at the airport or border crossing by border officers who may not understand the local drone laws with this drone authorization
  • Letter of Authorization (also called a Drone Permit) from the country of your choice - in some countries, this is called a "drone permit", "drone registration", or "drone authorization"
  • This letter of authorization (drone permit) will only authorize you to fly for recreational use in the country you choose, not commercially
  • Price is for one country - speak to a customer service agent today for information on multi-country and annual subscriptions
  • Money Back Guarantee: If we cannot obtain the permit for you for any reason we will issue a full refund

A) If someone came to us and paid for Vanuatu, we would reach out to you to get the papers filed on their behalf and you would say "sorry, you cannot file on their behalf". We would say, ok, we will let the customer know they must do it directly through you, direct them there, and refund their money
B) Our service is NO DIFFERENT than similar services that exist for filing visa applications and other government paperwork on the customer's behalf
C) We have not processed any registrations for Vanuatu, so we were not informed that this is a process that cannot be done via a third party.
You shouldn't be offering something that you have not checked for yourself - that's false pretences
- the conversation is over
So, knowing you can't get a Permit (you are aware they don't exist) you will take peoples money knowing that under you terms you will need to refund it ?
again a false statement when you say you are aware of the process - and in the next breath say you have never dealt with Vanuatu ?
and despite the fact I have just told you that everything you are claiming is false - you still want to argue with me ???
It should leave no doubt in the minds of forum users that you have been promising something you have no possibility to provide and despite my self being the National Registrar you expect that you can ignore the facts and argue the point ?
get out of here .... uavscam international ....

The FIRST thing we note on the page (this is the same page for many countries - NOT JUST VANUATU)-
  • BEFORE PURCHASING - Please check with us via the chat or email to ensure we can obtain a permit in time for your travels. In some countries, it may not be possible for us to obtain permission on your behalf, and others it can take up to several months for the authorities to process all the necessary paperwork!
1) So to answer your question, no, we would NOT take the money first. The customer would reach out to us, we would email you, and we would say "sorry, for Vanuatu we cannot do the registration on your behalf. You must do it yourself, and that would be the end of it, we would NOT take ANY money, and if a client paid, we would refund the money, and assuming we refused to and tried to scam them, Paypal would refund it!

2) Our service is no different than similar services that exist to help people get visas and other government paperwork processed.

3) I appreciate that you are the national registrar, but you really need to be more professional/respectful and tone down your anger. We have not taken anybody's money for Vanuatu, we have an established process in place to make sure that we DO NOT take anyone's money without being 100% sure we can register/get them a permit for the country they need. We have many customers who are very happy with our service we have provided them for getting the paperwork done in other countries, and in many of these countries, we have a very good working relationship with the registrar office. I thank you for providing an update regarding Vanuatu, and we will make sure any customers who ask about Vanuatu are forwarded to the site you provided.
The FIRST thing we note on the page (this is the same page for many countries - NOT JUST VANUATU)-
  • BEFORE PURCHASING - Please check with us via the chat or email to ensure we can obtain a permit in time for your travels. In some countries, it may not be possible for us to obtain permission on your behalf, and others it can take up to several months for the authorities to process all the necessary paperwork!
1) So to answer your question, no, we would NOT take the money first. The customer would reach out to us, we would email you, and we would say "sorry, for Vanuatu we cannot do the registration on your behalf. You must do it yourself, and that would be the end of it, we would NOT take ANY money, and if a client paid, we would refund the money, and assuming we refused to and tried to scam them, Paypal would refund it!

2) Our service is no different than similar services that exist to help people get visas and other government paperwork processed.

3) I appreciate that you are the national registrar, but you really need to be more professional/respectful and tone down your anger. We have not taken anybody's money for Vanuatu, we have an established process in place to make sure that we DO NOT take anyone's money without being 100% sure we can register/get them a permit for the country they need. We have many customers who are very happy with our service we have provided them for getting the paperwork done in other countries, and in many of these countries, we have a very good working relationship with the registrar office. I thank you for providing an update regarding Vanuatu, and we will make sure any customers who ask about Vanuatu are forwarded to the site you provided.
Your service is different - You have admitted that you have never had dealings with Vanuatu and you are promoting that you file forms for Vanuatu - in black and white.
I don't need a scammers opinion about respect or professionalism .....
I stand strong to protect the interests of potential drone users visiting Vanuatu and I will be forceful when con artists start arguing the rules - your problem is you weren't expecting me to be the national registrar and you have been caught out trying to scam money for something you either knowingly lied about or hadn't bothered to research - unfortunately it's your professionalism called into question.
I hold to my opinion - you have intended to provide for payment a service you could not provide, you have never found if it was even possible to provide the service and you want to argue the point now you have been exposed. A scam and nothing more targeting innocent people.
So don't expect me to be happy now I am aware of your tricks.
btw, how do people even know if what you provide is genuine - you could simply be making counterfeit 'permits' and sending them to unsuspecting people without ever actually filing anything with the relevant authorities and no-one would know unless they were checked when flying.
and besides, maybe the extended time period you talk about is so you can get around Paypals time limit for a person to seek a refund ...

your web site is full of let out's - a legitimate service would never have all these as the service would be certain to be provided without all the 'if's and buts.
I sent two chats to you that weren't answered
How much will a vanuatu 'permit' cost and what does a 'commercial permit' allow me to do.
yet you were able to answer my post in this forum when I questioned what you were saying to people.

btw, your arguement about being generic info is rubbish - you claim to have the latest update to General Vanuatu Drone Laws (your term) on your site - in fact the topic of your post.
However, what you have on your web site are not the latest 'laws' at all, but a quick guideline overview of the CAAV Rules Part 101- they are not the 'laws' despite the fact you have said they are.

If you were 'professional' you would have seen that we don't have 'drone laws' or even 'regulations' for that matter.
We have CAAV 'Rules' and these are NOT laws/regulations - they are 'Rules', so you don't even know the terminology of what you are offering ...
a simple search on 'vanuatu drone' etc on Google would bring you to the official site where in the first menu you would have found the download for the CAAV Rules Part 101.
It's obvious you haven't even done a simple search to get the facts before asking people to trust you can help them.

I will be alerting Paypal to your business model - it's deceptive at least, and a scam based on the info you twist on your site.

The facts speak for themselves.
Your service is different - You have admitted that you have never had dealings with Vanuatu and you are promoting that you file forms for Vanuatu - in black and white.
I don't need a scammers opinion about respect or professionalism .....
I stand strong to protect the interests of potential drone users visiting Vanuatu and I will be forceful when con artists start arguing the rules - your problem is you weren't expecting me to be the national registrar and you have been caught out trying to scam money for something you either knowingly lied about or hadn't bothered to research - unfortunately it's your professionalism called into question.
I hold to my opinion - you have intended to provide for payment a service you could not provide, you have never found if it was even possible to provide the service and you want to argue the point now you have been exposed. A scam and nothing more targeting innocent people.
So don't expect me to be happy now I am aware of your tricks.

I was well aware you were the registrar from the first reply you posted & I never argued the rules of using a drone in Vanuatu! However, for a so-called professional in Vanuatu, you have a bad temper, your language and is overly heated, and your name calling comes across as very immature. There are no "tricks", and there is no "scam". How many times do we need to break it down and explain it here before you will understand?

Do We Say We Can Attempt To Get A Permit/Authorization/Registration For Vanuatu? Yes, we do! We say the same for almost ANY country that has restrictions on drone use that require some sort of prior government registration/permits. The difference is that most of the other countries authorities are much more cooperative and want to work with us to improve the authorization process instead of accusing us of being a scam and baseless anger/name calling.

  • BEFORE PURCHASING - Please check with us via the chat or email to ensure we can obtain a permit in time for your travels. In some countries, it may not be possible for us to obtain permission on your behalf, and others it can take up to several months for the authorities to process all the necessary paperwork!
Does that mean we will be successful in every country? NO. Once we start the process in some countries, we may find out that we cannot get it for some reason - that may be because the operator must do it themselves (as is the case in Vanuatu), it may be that they have to do it in the country in person, or it may be that drones are just banned with very limited exception as is the case in Egypt and Morocco.

Are we scamming people? NO! We do not take ANY MONEY without FIRST checking that we can actually get the authorization/permit/registration. If someone pays without first checking with us, or pays and for some reason after we submit the paperwork the permission is rejected, we will issue a FULL REFUND. THIS IS STATED VERY CLEARLY IN OUR TERMS ON OUR WEBSITE. For the sake of argument, if we refuse to issue a refund, the customer can easily get a full refund from Paypal or Amazon by sending them a message. This service is NO DIFFERENT than many services operating around the world to get Visas and other government documents on behalf of the user.

We have MANY customers who are VERY HAPPY with our professional service that has allowed them to obtain the paperwork to fly their drones in countries around the world that have complex processes for getting permission to use a drone, and we will continue to provide the best possible service to our customers who pay us for this. We are lucky to have very strong relationships with registrar offices that are much more professional than the one in Vanuatu apparently is, who in some cases actually work with us to optimize our services for our clients.
I am not interested in any where else you offer 'services' except Vanuatu.
Stop trying to divert attention from the issue.

- Are we scamming people?
NO! We do not take ANY MONEY without FIRST checking that we can actually get the authorization/permit/registration.

This begs the question, why don't you check first that you can even offer the service before telling people you can get them a Vanuatu permit on your website ? Private or commercial according to your web site. (Permits that don't exist)

No-one of authority has even given you authorisation to give Vanuatu civil aviation information on behalf of the Government or the CAAV and you know it, so where on your website do say you have no authorisation to provide Vanuatu Civil Aviation information ?? No where that I can see.

so for all the fancy wording, there is nothing factual on your site about Vanuatu, you know it, yet you come into this forum making unfounded claims and offering services to the contrary - you don't have to break down anything for me to understand what you are up to - it's a con to get people signed up and a scam.
here again is your original post :

For Fiji and Vanuatu, you will require a permit, or permission basically. The process takes a couple weeks and can be done via the government authorities directly, or we can do it for you for a small fee. We try and keep an up to date version of the laws for both countries via the following links,

Fiji Drone Laws & Permits
Vanuatu Drone Laws & Permits

Safe travels, let us know if you have any questions and we would be happy to provide advice and help!

My response:

1. Vanuatu does not require a 'Permit'
2. the process takes 5 mins
3. you cannot do it for a third party
4. your small fee is the same as the actual registration and you offer 'commercial permits' which don't exist at $99.00
5. do don't have an updated version of Vanuatu CAAV Drone Rules Part 101. via your link

I was well aware you were the registrar from the first reply you posted & I never argued the rules of using a drone in Vanuatu! However, for a so-called professional in Vanuatu, you have a bad temper, your language and is overly heated, and your name calling comes across as very immature. There are no "tricks", and there is no "scam". How many times do we need to break it down and explain it here before you will understand?

Do We Say We Can Attempt To Get A Permit/Authorization/Registration For Vanuatu? Yes, we do! We say the same for almost ANY country that has restrictions on drone use that require some sort of prior government registration/permits. The difference is that most of the other countries authorities are much more cooperative and want to work with us to improve the authorization process instead of accusing us of being a scam and baseless anger/name calling.

  • BEFORE PURCHASING - Please check with us via the chat or email to ensure we can obtain a permit in time for your travels. In some countries, it may not be possible for us to obtain permission on your behalf, and others it can take up to several months for the authorities to process all the necessary paperwork!
Does that mean we will be successful in every country? NO. Once we start the process in some countries, we may find out that we cannot get it for some reason - that may be because the operator must do it themselves (as is the case in Vanuatu), it may be that they have to do it in the country in person, or it may be that drones are just banned with very limited exception as is the case in Egypt and Morocco.

Are we scamming people? NO! We do not take ANY MONEY without FIRST checking that we can actually get the authorization/permit/registration. If someone pays without first checking with us, or pays and for some reason after we submit the paperwork the permission is rejected, we will issue a FULL REFUND. THIS IS STATED VERY CLEARLY IN OUR TERMS ON OUR WEBSITE. For the sake of argument, if we refuse to issue a refund, the customer can easily get a full refund from Paypal or Amazon by sending them a message. This service is NO DIFFERENT than many services operating around the world to get Visas and other government documents on behalf of the user.

We have MANY customers who are VERY HAPPY with our professional service that has allowed them to obtain the paperwork to fly their drones in countries around the world that have complex processes for getting permission to use a drone, and we will continue to provide the best possible service to our customers who pay us for this. We are lucky to have very strong relationships with registrar offices that are much more professional than the one in Vanuatu apparently is, who in some cases actually work with us to optimize our services for our clients.
- We are lucky to have very strong relationships with registrar offices that are much more professional than the one in Vanuatu apparently is ...

and our visitors are lucky to have someone to deal with scams like your 'vanuatu services' and save them from having their holiday spoilt !
which do you think visitors will choose ?
a potential professional scammer wasting their time with a bait site or someone that won't tolerate false claims and looking out for their interests and bringing attention to false information ?
I am not interested in any where else you offer 'services' except Vanuatu.
Stop trying to divert attention from the issue.

- Are we scamming people?
NO! We do not take ANY MONEY without FIRST checking that we can actually get the authorization/permit/registration.

This begs the question, why don't you check first that you can even offer the service before telling people you can get them a Vanuatu permit on your website ? Private or commercial according to your web site. (Permits that don't exist)

No-one of authority has even given you authorisation to give Vanuatu civil aviation information on behalf of the Government or the CAAV and you know it, so where on your website do say you have no authorisation to provide Vanuatu Civil Aviation information ?? No where that I can see.

so for all the fancy wording, there is nothing factual on your site about Vanuatu, you know it, yet you come into this forum making unfounded claims and offering services to the contrary - you don't have to break down anything for me to understand what you are up to - it's a con to get people signed up and a scam.

I will happily speak about the other places we offer this service, because as I said before,

1) We have had great success getting many clients permits/authorization to fly their drones in a large number of countries that have long/complex procedures
2) Our customers who have used this service have been very happy with it and spoken very highly to us of it and the customer service we provided during the process
3) Other countries registrar offices actually reach out to us to work with them and improve the processes, NOT call us a scam and have a bad temper at us.

We do not need anybody of authority to give us the authorization to post the drone laws of Vanuatu on our website, and we will continue to have the laws posted and updated as we see necessary. No permission is needed from ANYBODY for us to post this info.

There is no con, there is no trick, nobody is being tricked to sign up for anything, it is very simple like I said,

  • BEFORE PURCHASING - Please check with us via the chat or email to ensure we can obtain a permit in time for your travels. In some countries, it may not be possible for us to obtain permission on your behalf, and others it can take up to several months for the authorities to process all the necessary paperwork!

PS: Your website is full of spelling mistakes, and is very slow. Is that what charging people $100+ for a registration gets them? At least we provide an actual service and have 24/7 chat/phone support. You just take the peoples money and can't even be bothered to build a decent site with it! That is a scam if you ask me, even if it is the government of Vanuatu doing it.
it has nothing to do with when or if you receive a payment, it has to do that you are making a claim to provide a service that you know you can't provide - false claim, scam or con, it's the same.

the facts are the facts - you cannot provide the services and to continue to say you can when you know it's not possible is a scam.
- and you were charging $149 (now discounted to $99) for something that doesn't exist.

you have been caught out and whether our site has spelling mistakes or not is of no consequence, what is important is that Visitors to Vanuatu are not conned by your false claims.

You can put what you want on your web site, it doesn't make it correct simply because you have a 'right' to post what you want.

And that is the whole point.
My job is to protect our Vanuatu visitors from con men who have no authority to offer services that can't be delivered to unsuspecting drone users wanting to fly in Vanuatu.
once again you haven't answered the post but launch off in some kind of diversionary rant about website spelling and speed - give me a break and respond to the issue at hand.
The forum visitors are waiting for you to answer the specific points.

here again is your original post :

For Fiji and Vanuatu, you will require a permit, or permission basically. The process takes a couple weeks and can be done via the government authorities directly, or we can do it for you for a small fee. We try and keep an up to date version of the laws for both countries via the following links,

Fiji Drone Laws & Permits
Vanuatu Drone Laws & Permits

Safe travels, let us know if you have any questions and we would be happy to provide advice and help!

My response:

1. Vanuatu does not require a 'Permit'
2. the process takes 5 mins
3. you cannot do it for a third party
4. your small fee is the same as the actual registration and you offer 'commercial permits' which don't exist at $99.00
5. you don't have an updated version of Vanuatu CAAV Drone Rules Part 101. via your link

answers ?
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