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How to force stop the Mavic?

When hand catching the Mavic I pinch it right behind the front keeping your hand clear of the downward sensors. This way the Mavic will quickly shut off and not fight to try and take off. It quickly shuts off every time. I hand catch about 40% of the time.
Cheers I will try that. I have two friends who pretty much always hand catch it. They said to avoid the sensors also. Or just to turn off obstacle avoidance.
I certainly will be more careful in the future
I pluck mine out of the sky 50% of the time. I never turn off the downward sonar. Just grab firmly with thumb and index finger at the center body of the drone and hold down on the stick it will rev up for about 2-3 second and then stop. It takes a second for the drone to respond to your hand under it so you have just enough time grab it before it tries to fly higher to avoid you.
You can actually power the drone down while it is still trying to get away. The area the power button is on is one of the only areas on the top that the rotors are not crossing. I would not suggest to anyone to turn it off this way but it can be done.
I was flying mine inside once and it got stuck in a corner because the collision avoidance function wouldn't let me fly it anywhere. I eventually grabbed it firmly from the bottom and quickly double pressed the button on the top of the drone to turn it off as it fought me to go back to the corner it was stuck in. Just gotta be careful!
Oh... Thank you very much! I will try that next time...
Tempted to go out and try it now but i'm still a bit scared. And scarred lol

CSC is the kill command: all motors stop and the craft drops. Keep that command in the back of your head for emergencies.

There's a setting to turn off the bottom sensors which will keep the craft from flying away from you when you try to grab it from underneath. I think it's the bottom vision sensors setting Landing Protection: off.
Sorry to say but after reading this thread OP is a danger.

She thinks that cutting motors at 1.2meters is okay if she catches it? With a mindset like this, u r a walking accident and u should not be allowed anywhere near a drone. U seem quite naive towards the use of drones and behave as if they r just a light toy.
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Trying to catch the aircraft with running motors is NEVER a valid solution.

Really if everything else fails (e.g. no more connection between aircraft and remote) you jsut let it run there until the battery is dead. It will always land at this point whether cleanly or not, but at least it won't hurt you.
Trying to catch the aircraft with running motors is NEVER a valid solution.

Really if everything else fails (e.g. no more connection between aircraft and remote) you jsut let it run there until the battery is dead. It will always land at this point whether cleanly or not, but at least it won't hurt you.

It's a very valid solution for a number of situations (e.g. landing on an unstable boat, landing in sand) and if done correctly is very safe and controlled. If done incorrectly, see E.R.
hand catching is fine do not use CSC turn of landing protection only you dont need it, it does nothing except create problems when landing either on the ground or in the air, you dont need it for precision landing or RTH you only need it if landing somewhere you can not see.

Turn of landing protection hover the drone at shoulder height move towards the drone from the side place your thumb and finger just to the back of the front legs underneath the drone (weight is better there to not drop it).

once you take hold of the drone just pull the left stick down and hold it down the motors will stop within seconds.

the key is do everything slowly do not try to rush any stage of it and it is easy to do. If you rush any stage of it then it is easy to get wrong.

your confidence to get back out and try again is great BTW.
It's a very valid solution for a number of situations (e.g. landing on an unstable boat, landing in sand) and if done correctly is very safe and controlled. If done incorrectly, see E.R.
Hand catching under control is fine, I was talking of situations that are NOT under control (dead link,...) where people try to catch the thing and pop the battery out while the props are screaming becasue the thing is trying to escape.
Hand catching under control is fine, I was talking of situations that are NOT under control (dead link,...) where people try to catch the thing and pop the battery out while the props are screaming becasue the thing is trying to escape.

Yea that sounds like a Jackass situation :)
Sorry to say but after reading this thread OP is a danger.

She thinks that cutting motors at 1.2meters is okay if she catches it? With a mindset like this, u r a walking accident and u should not be allowed anywhere near a drone. U seem quite naive towards the use of drones and behave as if they r just a light toy.

Eat a **** mate.
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Sorry to say but after reading this thread OP is a danger.

She thinks that cutting motors at 1.2meters is okay if she catches it? With a mindset like this, u r a walking accident and u should not be allowed anywhere near a drone. U seem quite naive towards the use of drones and behave as if they r just a light toy.
Coming from a dude that has never had an accident, is a pro at everything, and loves to lecture strangers he knows nothing about.
once when mine would not land... I had it in tripod mode... when I switched to P... it then would let me land... also you might have to abort any special mode...follow...etc...that uses the bottom and top sensors...
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