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Huwei XT2 Ascend / Elate Setup?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Does anyone have a step by step process is setting up the Huwei phone to it's best possibility as a dedicated device.

I know this can be straight forward but wanted to make sure I don't miss anything with it. It will be a dedicated device for my Mavic and Spark so removing bloatware, disabling this and that, etc.
None that I found so far. I disabled or uninstalled all bloatware on my XT2, and pulled the SIM - but nothing out of the ordinary.
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Does anyone have a step by step process is setting up the Huwei phone to it's best possibility as a dedicated device.

I know this can be straight forward but wanted to make sure I don't miss anything with it. It will be a dedicated device for my Mavic and Spark so removing bloatware, disabling this and that, etc.

msingert's Android setup is a very detailed document. I posted some info under the original thread
$49 Huawei Ascend XT2 aka Wunderphone = THE best Mavic screen EVER
Does anyone have a step by step process is setting up the Huwei phone to it's best possibility as a dedicated device.

I know this can be straight forward but wanted to make sure I don't miss anything with it. It will be a dedicated device for my Mavic and Spark so removing bloatware, disabling this and that, etc.

I posted some info on setting up the HUAWEI but msinger's did a better job with more detail. I did have some instructions on rolling back the firmware on the Mavic Pro and Remote Control. Try this might help.

$49 Huawei Ascend XT2 aka Wunderphone = THE best Mavic screen EVER
msingert's Android setup is a very detailed document. I posted some info under the original thread
$49 Huawei Ascend XT2 aka Wunderphone = THE best Mavic screen EVER

I posted some info on setting up the HUAWEI but msinger's did a better job with more detail. I did have some instructions on rolling back the firmware on the Mavic Pro and Remote Control. Try this might help.

$49 Huawei Ascend XT2 aka Wunderphone = THE best Mavic screen EVER
Regarding the rolling back of the mavic and controller any reason for this? I know that for the most part the version of the app should be .15 vs .18. Do i need to roll back anything on the Mavic and Controller as well?
I was able to move my MP and my Remote Control (RC) from v01.03.0550 to 01.03.0700. I picked this version (0700) because it seems to be the most stable version based on comments from the forum and I really didn’t need any of the extra features/restrictions added to later versions. Check out the firmware section and this post.

I can say that .0550 had a number of known bugs. I'm running .0700 perfectly. Definitely DO NOT upgrade to the latest FW. They've made it impossible to roll-back.

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Just wasn't sure whether there were nuances specifically for the Huwei device.
Nope. The instructions linked above were created using my Huawei Ascend XT2.
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