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Lost GPS signal

There is no point I talking technical because you would never understand it to the level that would be required but yet again mocking or saying that I am not capable of doing my job which has been a career for several years. I get that I am new school and wasn't around for the analog days of things but for you to say that I am not what my job title states based on how I type is absolutely ridiculous.

That is extremely inappropriate and furthermore I am in shock that this type of behavior even exists.
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Thankyou so much...
I can not tell you how much this has rocked me...I'm now terrified to fly more than 30 feet's taken the joy out if it...No doubt
Thanks for your time and advice

Relax mate, you'll get the confidence back.
What drone ?

If there was some sort of magnetic interference at HP, sounds like you were on an oval, could have been a tap nearby (metal pipe underground), or perhaps that sewer facility has a big pipe running through there.
Relax mate, you'll get the confidence back.
What drone ?

If there was some sort of magnetic interference at HP, sounds like you were on an oval, could have been a tap nearby (metal pipe underground), or perhaps that sewer facility has a big pipe running through there.
Platnum pro....
If it was magnetic interfere, how can ya check for that preflight to eliminate the issue?
Did you move the drone at all after powering up?
Good question....
I can't recall....
I'm ppretty sure I powered up at the launch point....but I may have powered up than carried it to the launch location.
If I did, it would have been no more than 3 mtrs apart
If you had any idea of the qualifications and experience of the person you are talking about, you might not say things like that.

That was pretty funny. It never ceases to amaze me that there are people with basic qualifications (or so they assert) in technical fields who are apparently completely baffled and offended that anyone would have the temerity to disagree with them, and never even consider that others may be more qualified. And even when they get offered technical arguments that they could engage on, it instead immediately goes to some version of "there is no point me trying to explain because you wouldn't understand" together with exactly the kind of ad homs that they, themselves, are claiming to be victims of. It's so transparent.
Platnum pro....
If it was magnetic interfere, how can ya check for that preflight to eliminate the issue?

Hmm, I thought I read someone say here it looked like IMU compass disagreement but maybe not.
Anyway, mag interference might not be the case here, but . . .
When you are on the ground ready to launch, look at the map and the little red aircraft arrow (indicates the way it thinks it's facing), that should match the way the aircraft is actually facing on the ground.
If not, don't take off, shut down, move away a bit, and start up again to recheck.
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Hmm, I thought I read someone say here it looked like IMU compass disagreement but maybe not.
Anyway, mag interference might not be the case here, but . . .
When you are on the ground ready to launch, look at the map and the little red aircraft arrow (indicates the way it thinks it's facing), that should match the way the aircraft is actually facing on the ground.
If not, don't take off, shut down, move away a bit, and start up again to recheck.

The first clue that it is not magnetic interference is that most of the flight, including several yaw maneuvers, is fine. Looking at the DAT it is clear that the aircraft could use a compass calibration, but it doesn't seem to have triggered the errors:


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Guys let me step in this for a moment, seems to be some
hostility because of differences of opinions.
Please let’s not knock anyone and just stay on track with
the OP’s issue.
Will be good to see the final flight analysis thoughts from you sar104, always interesting seeing what can go wrong.
Even more so because the OP has the MPP, and they are fairly reliable if general pre flight checks are done, especially for compass / aircraft orientation.
What preflight check so you so...
I only ask as I will add them to my Repertoire
Will be good to see the final flight analysis thoughts from you sar104, always interesting seeing what can go wrong.
Even more so because the OP has the MPP, and they are fairly reliable if general pre flight checks are done, especially for compass / aircraft orientation.
I'll be very keen to u understand what went wrong.
My fault or tech, either way I really want to know so I can avoid it in the future
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