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  • Didn't know there was a size limit on the messages!
    BTW, my mom grew up in Gardiner at the mouth of the Umpqua river, but it's been a long time since I've been out that way. Also I'm retired Navy.

    Good luck with your business endeavors!

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    Reactions: aerialnorthwest
    After transplanting here from LA, I quickly realized the pristine beautiful that only Oregon can deliver to the senses! Much love to mom and the fam! My peeps are still hanging in SoCal! Both 85 and still crazy and kickin'! ;-)
    Mom passed at 98. Must have been that tough Oregon upbringing! Yup, from costal forests to desert to mountain skiing, Oregon has a bit of everything.
    I have read some of your recent postings. Looks like they were well thought out and you have put a lot of effort into them. I just put together a handout on recreational drone safety rules for an upcoming airport open house. Even though it was plagiarized from the FAA website it still took a bit of effort. I was a little disappointed that the local FAAST program manager couldn't help with that effort.
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