Ive had a different experience with my Mavic. I was flying in a Class D airspace which I always have flown near my house. I decided to fly over a narrow water passage to the land on the opposite side over a quiet park. Half way across the message came up on the screen so quickly I couldn't...
Color grading...color grading....Ive read that in every post about image quality. I have an Inspire one and guess ive taken it for granted that for the most part the color was fantastic and accurate and color grading was not part of my normal work flow. If I want to use the Mavic I guess Im...
not airtight but why restrict the airflow through those vents. We have never put the other gimbal camera in a bubble to protect it( I get that this one is smaller) but I agree with the others about possible damage over time to the main board due to poor air flow. I would still get another...
Ok guys it's here ! I'll be making my decision within the next day- if you are interested in purchasing it for cost - show me how you are donating to a worthy cause or helping out someone less fortunate -
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Good catch with that. Let us know your new preference. New to this color grading thing and am open for help with getting this right. Tried using the color grading in FPX. NO CLUE what i am doing. It all looks wrong
I just received an email from Bestbuy that my Mavic has shipped and should be to me shortly. I will sell it for the $999 cost PLUS shipping. To be considered to purchase - post on here what you will do or donate to a worthy cause to pay it forward . Its Christmas time and everyone could use...
Finally received the filters today . Can't wait to try them .now if only the rain would stop so I could fly. I'll post when I do .
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So flew Mavic's maiden voyage today and took some pics and video clips. Held a live video feed to Facebook and everything work very well. INCLUDING the avoidance sensors stopping the drone when the local seagulls got way too close!. Here is a picture with very slight color correction. Was an...
Not endorsing any product here but just showing my current setup that seems to work well, along with Amazon links if your interested in buying.
The carrying bag: a very small back pack that fits everything I need to carry the Mavic...