Agreed. That drone only has the continuous type AF. Your workaround is a good one. Also, try turning on peaking in MF mode. Good video here:
Focusing Your DJI Drone Camera
We have a complete series on Waypoints. Including programming on the ground. We also have one on how to program without the drone attached. Here’s the one one the ground:
Waypoints II - OFF-SITE Setup of a Waypoint Mission
Try using Restream as an intermediary. Very forgiving…
Good video on livestreaming DJI drones on Instagram here. This channel also has a playlist of videos dedicated to livestreaming DJI drones on other platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc)
Livestream to Instagram from a DJI Drone - SOLVED!
Instagram livestream has a “practice mode” hidden from general public and it lets you invite specific people.
Good video on livestreaming DJI drones on Instagram here. This channel also has a playlist of videos dedicated to livestreaming DJI drones on other platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc)...
Good video on livestreaming DJI drones on Instagram here. This channel also has a playlist of videos dedicated to livestreaming DJI drones on other platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc)
Livestream to Instagram from a DJI Drone - SOLVED!
Good video on livestreaming DJI drones on Instagram here. This channel also has a playlist of videos dedicated to livestreaming DJI drones on other platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc)
Livestream to Instagram from a DJI Drone - SOLVED!
Mavic 3 does now support Waypoints (Only with RC Pro or RC-N1 Controllers)
Video Series Here:
Part I (Intro):
Part II (Off-site setup):
New video out solves the Facebook Livestream issues. Since Facebook requires RTMPS and most DJI controllers only support RTMP (not "S"), this video shows how to fix it. Check out: