It is suppose to do both equally,still photos and video.Not one being better than the other,some may not agree.
The Air 3S was suppose to be a minor but STILL an upgrade over the Air 3,but many are not seeing it.
It better have improved technology OVER the Air 3S which has enough owners not exactly happy with the main sensor for still photos.Do not want to hear about video,which DJI now seems to cater to.
I am waiting for the Mavic 4 pro,but am concerned about them putting a QB type in this high end drone,however even if that happens I would think the main camera would get a mp bump from 20 to at least 25.Which would not be a bad thing I guess.I at most shoot video one percent the remaining...
The Mavic 4 is going to be a huge change compared to the current Mavic 3 pro,just look at that giant round camera housing they will have on the Mavic 4.I dont think it will be just for show.
The mavic 3 pro series should be better,video maybe the Air3s would be a little better because of new technology.but for just photos no way
ANY of the Air series could be better.And the new Mavic 4 I am sure will for sure smoke any Air series or probably any other consumer made drone that is...