somehow I toggled 'off' on the menu for ob avoidance
cant figger how to get back to the menu to toggle 'on'
I have the red showing on the controller.
.. dont pay attention to folks who shyt on you for trying to help. You spent a ton of time with me last month when I couldnt get my drone to connect with controller. turns out it was my internet connection. but we didnt know that. I was impressed that you would spend so much time trying...
dont fret bud. you will be back up and running soon. I lost complete home and contents 20 yrs ago. less than 1 yr later i was back on my feet. with lotsa help from neighbours and folks I didnt even know. (manitoba has the best folks )
I slowly got outta my funk and started putting my life back...
as for flying over animals, when I looked up the regs b4 buying
it said "not to be used in provincial park (canada here)
as it disturbs the animals."
its prolly because yahoos try to get REAL close to animals.
friend took the drone to his place and it signed in immediately
apparently, it was not able to connect with my provider
today will be my first flight after all this mess.
I had posted a thread last month when I bot my new mini3 pro.
never did get the drone activated and sent it back.
I thot it was funky controller, so I bot the same drone again.
after several hrs on the phone with tech support, and MANY emails.
I am still unable to use my drone.
1 last shot...
I recall many yrs ago, my dad came to visit. he said "wow really weird, as I was leaving the sky was green"
I asked "did you listen to the radio?"
he said "no, why?"
I told him a a tornado had hit the town, about half hr after he left.
same thing happened with my router battery.
was having prob, and tech told me to remove battery
when I did. It swelled like a balloon.
had to duct tape the cover on while I waited for new battery.
had a fella come out with his drone and HIS worked.
tech support never got back to me after several emails and 1 phone call.
poor support.
I,m guessing its a defective controller and will replace.
a very long and frustrating ordeal.
thank you for each that helped.