Guys.. Girls.. I'm still in shock.. But I thought this a very important and often neglected issue. Lipo battery safety.. When storing... When chaeging... They are or can be evil little creatures. Two weeks ago I lost my home, my family photos, 10 or so built fpv quadcopter ws, a mavic mini 2, mavic zoom, and a parrot bebop 2 fly Korea on all the camera drones... To a lipo fire. One minute I'm charging two 4s lipi batteries in a dual charger... Balanced and proper voltage and what not.. Working on a build with my back to my charging
area.. I smelt that lithium smell, whipped my chair around and it was awoke and popped... Anx erupted into flames. I grabbed my fire extinguisher that sits next to the work bench... And it failed. It just dribbled out a little bit of goop. I grabbed a towel haging on my chair to smother the flames out and the second battery just exploded pretty much in my face.. I fell backwards.. Face slightly toasted.. Eyebrows singed.. Amd when I sat back up the room was just.. Engulfed in flames.... Then the worst possible thin g happened. A. 50 caliber steel ammo can that sat next to my charger with no less than 69 plus batteilries. From 1s to 6s just popped off like freaking firecrackers... My face.. Hands.. Anywhere that wasn't clothed was black from sooot. I crashed down the hallway meeting my sister on law at the front door.. Shoved her out and stumbled just behind her face first, into the lawn. At this point our home just dl hopelessly engulfed in flames... I tried to get the water hose in action but the flames were so hot I just couldn't make it happen. By the time th fire department there it ws a skeleton of frame and twisted metals. I writes this to stress to my brothers and sisters that you can not take these batteries for granted. Charging.... Storing.. Just please please PLEASE be careful.. One minute I was on top of the world.. Finishing my Armattan rooster seven inch quad.. Geared up to test fly.
. And ten minutes later I was homeless, drone lass and utterly devastated. But I telll you this.. The fire destroyed my home.. All my possessions. But it didn't destroy my love of unmanned flight or my determination and spirit. I'm a US Army veteran and by God surrender is not in my vocabulary. I Will get back on my tired old feet again... And I Will get my hangar back.. Even if it months or years. I WILL fly again. As a matter of fact some family bought me a little cheap Amazon 30$ quadcopter. So I'm off and running lol.. Bless their hearts. They tried.. And I'll fly it with pride God bless yall and keep it safe.

. And ten minutes later I was homeless, drone lass and utterly devastated. But I telll you this.. The fire destroyed my home.. All my possessions. But it didn't destroy my love of unmanned flight or my determination and spirit. I'm a US Army veteran and by God surrender is not in my vocabulary. I Will get back on my tired old feet again... And I Will get my hangar back.. Even if it months or years. I WILL fly again. As a matter of fact some family bought me a little cheap Amazon 30$ quadcopter. So I'm off and running lol.. Bless their hearts. They tried.. And I'll fly it with pride God bless yall and keep it safe.
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