Get the local stations reading, then use your judgement to fly. Bring an anemometer, they are truly cheap. Now I can only presume that the wind resistance variable is the point at which a drone will begin struggling to resist the head winds. The...
Mechanical and firmware aside. I use Airdata UAV to check flying conditions; I'm sure many here already do. Follow the app's advice.
My personal recommendation for larger DJI drones (M3Pro), avoid flying in winds exceeding 25mph. Smaller drones...
You are a braver pilot than I would be. I would never even consider flying off of a high balcony. What could possibly go wrong? Just take the elevator down to solid terra firma and take off from there.
This is a shot of Miami Downtown shot from the Rickenbacker Bridge side. I got stuck in a traffic jam and arrived very late--long after sunset. I'll probably try again at some point. Shot with the Mavic3's 70mm lens. I SHOULD have bracketed the...