Hi all.
I just tried to fly and could see that it said I had 14 satellites but the icon was red and wouldn't let me get my home point and resttricted height etc. If I flew up to max height and stayed a minute then it would gain enough sats to fly, but then I would come down to 4 m and it would...
I'm not sure if this will affect Mavics or not, but it could. Apparently, a bunch of GPS satellites will start to reset this weekend, which could cause GPS devices to go bonkers.
Here's why your GPS could go haywire this weekend
I can not understand how a drone can keep relatively still in such high winds that I can not stay still in.
I think I was connected to 16 satellites but still can't get my head around it.
Later in the day the winds got up to 100 Km/H in Perth.
Osprey eating big fish at Hillarys Boat Harbour...