This gives the opportunity to see the Mavic's Wind Characteristics by viewing the data along with gauge movement. The Left drone displays the flight pitch. A negative number represents forward movement, or if hovering would display wind/wind gust. A positive number would represent rear movement, and the same for wind/wind gust. A large negative number could be a strong headwind.
The Right drone displays Roll. The +/- numbers in this case focus on the up and down movement of the left side. A positive number displayed and you'll see the left side higher then the right. And the negative would display a lower left side.
So in this video there is not much movement with the Roll. The reason for this is due to the wind is pretty much blowing straight into the rear of the Mavic. The roll would give the same appearance if this wind was 180 degree's from what it is here.
The audio in this vid is 100% sound effects. I used effects that were not that good so they miht be more believable, but it would've need a great deal more time spent on it.