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873m Distance is my max over fields - is this about right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Hi all.

I got to 873m distance on my MM1 yesterday (not sure if this is breaking any UK rules?), footage below. My signal started to go at that point so I RTH.

As you can see, it's mostly fields and farmland and a train track - is 873m about right for max distance, please?

Thank you.
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The distance as such does not, as far as I know, break existing or pending??? ( I need to check this) UK rules, .......BUT......if it was beyond your ability to see it then that does break the rules.
You are limited to distances where you can physically see the drone. For me the mini disappears somewhere between 400m and 600m, background depending. I would think 873m was beyond your visual range.
That said over open sea/ocean I have had just over 2km before loss of signal, I was impressed by the accuracy of the stated limits.
I would NOT try that over land.
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If you can’t see it, you’re breaking the rules. You should have learned that when you too your test to register. No way you can see a mini at that distance, so yes you were. I’d take that footage offline ASAP if I were you.

If you don’t know the rules, you might wanna make yourself aware of them. The Drone and Model Aircraft Code | UK Civil Aviation Authority
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Even in the middle of nowhere ot can be a lot of wifi disturbance. A lot of farmer use wireless agricultural equipement... and also some smartphone can be annoying if not in plane mode. Check the signal level on the chanel you use, and try some other with manual setup. You have to choose the lower nar, and for long distance 2.4ghz is better than 5ghz.
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