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In Australia, the Cine is a $7200 drone. That's $3000 more than the Mavic 3 Pro (combo).
To be honest... I'm kind of pissed that the Cine even exists. A huge chunk of that extra $3000 is there to justify ProRes (So really, most people will see it as paying $3000 for one feature), and the other chunk is there for a controller that should be an optional extra).
And there's no way to NOT get the controller and save some money, or to not buy it in a combo, which effectively adds another $1200AUD to the price.
That's essentially $4200 extra just for Pro-Res - or to put it another way, an entire Mavic 3 Pro Combo.
It's a money grab by DJI pure and simple.
Ignoring extra cables and a few extra filters, for $3000aud more, you get:
RC CONTROLLER - $1529 Value
(Buy DJI RC Pro Controller | Free Shipping
Correct me if I'm wrong, but even though it's "cool" and "convenient", the RC Pro controller isn't strictly necessary to operate the Cine? (Or if it is, it's just designed that way so you "need" it, but it's artificial). I could live without it, and I'd much rather put $1529 towards a new iPhone, or an iPad.
Not only that, but it offers significantly less flying time than the standard controller.
I hear it adds Ocusync 3+? That just means they left out out of the normal controller to upsell the Cine. (And that was in small print too).
A 1TB SSD (which is "necessary" for ProRes), which means DJI value the Internal storage at $682.
This "selling point" is completely unnecessary, and as most of you know is more of a design flaw than anything.
If the Mavic 3 Pro took CF Express type B cards (Fast enough for 8K60 on an R5C, so overkill and future proof for ProRes from a drone), then 2x 512 gb cards would only cost $400. And users could swap them out to offload cards and keep the drone airborne rather than being grounded.
Not only that, but that storage media could be used in other devices, or on other DJI Airframes, and when the next drone arrives, there'd be no need to charge $3000 more for an airframe with internal storage.
A 1TB NVME for a computer costs as little as $100. So if they insisted on including internal storage (which would still be a mistake), it shouldn't add any significant cost, but let's say it's "proprietary" and a bit special. That's $400 extra maybe? Not $700.
Forcing the drone to have internal storage is a HUGE oversight and a design flaw, and it just didn't need to happen at all. It's there intentionally so the Cine could be a thing. (And lets not pretend we believe that DJI spent years designing this thing and nobody there realised that was an issue until it released...)
There's several "low cost" removable cards on the market with more than enough speed for ProRes 422HQ or higher. But internal storage was deliberately included to force anyone who wanted ProRes to overpay significantly for it - even though it is a major design flaw for any pro using it in a fast paced environment.
Access to ProRes, (Which costs $789 on an Inspire) - Buy CinemaDNG & Apple ProRes Activation Key - DJI Store
So with it established above that Pro Res could have been included with removable media, there's no reason to even have a seperate "cine" model. ProRes could have been built in to all Mavic 3's, and "unlocked" with key - just as they do on the Inspire series.
I would HOPE it would be priced fairly, but I'd rather slightly overpay for that unlock but save around $2200 on the internal storage and the controller I don't really need, not to mention another $1200 or so on the combo I don't really need.
Yes, I'd need to purchase extra batteries, filters and recording media separately, so the final cost wouldn't be "cheap", but I could choose higher quality filters, save money by making do with 2 batteries, and have all the advantages of removable media that isn't tied to one product and can be repurposed for other tasks.
A Mavic 3 Pro V2 that's basically identical to the current (non cine) model with an added CF Express B slot (as well as Micro SD), and that can have Pro-Res added WHEN I feel I need it (So I don't have buyers remorse some day), is all I bloody want. I could think of some more stuff, but just do that and I'm very happy.
Is there ANY hope of an updated version that's basically something along the lines of what I just suggested? DJI used to update their Phantom line with cool little refreshes, and the Mavic Pro "Platinum" got some minor upgrades too.
Could this happen with a "Mavic 3 Pro Platinum"? (Replaces both base and cine version and fixes biggest cine issue).
And if you think there's any chance I'm not crazy, should I hold my breath for it by 2023/24?
I REALLY hope it would have:
- No Internal storage required for Pro-Res (Huge cost saving).
- Ocusync 3+ on the "standard" remote.
- Dual Slots (SD and CF Express type B slots - to enable dual recording, and to allow continued use of "cheap" Micro SD cards when not shooting ProRes)
- 32-64GB Internal storage (Just in case - Even if it's only fast enough for H.265, it's a safety net).
- Improved tele camera and sensor (Also records Pro-Res)
- ProRes as a software unlock (For a reasonable price). AND it's transferable to a different airframe in the event of a crash (or a sale).
- Other ProRes flavours besides 422HQ included.
- Available to buy WITHOUT the combo.
- Little tweaks to minor annoyances. (Feel free to list yours).
Hopefully priced the same as the current base model, (or slightly more to account for it's awesomeness, or slightly less so it's a no-brainer and would fly off the shelves).
The ProRes Unlock (one time fee) adds between $789 and $1000 more (Aussie bucks). And ProRes Raw could even be an option for a higher fee. (Yes, the C-fast B cards can handle that with ease).
I genuinely don't NEED a Mavic 4 Pro any time soon. The 3 Pro is mouth-wateringly good to me. But effectively paying $3000-$4200 extra for Pro-Res, and being forced to buy things I don't need just so I can have it - that's robbery.
And DJI if you're listening, I get that it's a business. I get why (as a business) you structured this drones pricing and features this way, and why my dreams for a single Mavic 3/4 with no extra BS will probably never come true.
But if it does, it doesn't have to mean lower profits for you.
- You could UP the price slightly of the base model, and people would pay it because it's a better deal.
- You could UP the pro-res price to squeeze out some extra profit.
- You could get into the Recording Media game. (I'd add Well priced and reliable DJI branded cards into my shopping cart without a second thought, and they wouldn't only be applicable to drone owners. Camera users would also buy them. I hear you make cameras...?
- You could also slightly reduce the combo prices to make them more attractive vs buying separately or 3rd party (I loved My Air 2 combo), and people (me included) wouldn't hesitate to just go with the "easy option". We all know that's basically free money for you, so help us help you by making them a no brainer.
- And if your RC Pro controller is really so good, people will still buy it. (Although... to be honest... $1529 and it has average battery life and only works on one airframe? Lower the price or make it better please, not to mention future proof for upcoming drones. Ocusync should be upgradeable if at all possible - not locked in to what it shipped with for all eternity.
- And while I'm on the subject of product support... make your Mod Removed Langage)Goggles work on everything too. Build a (Mod Removed Language)ecosystem, not a collection of cool products with a limited shelf life.
If you play fair with your customers, you'll sell 5x more of these (and all your products), I assure you. Plus, it means everyone loves you, messages like this one disappear, and we all rush to the store to buy your stuff without a sick feeling that we have a gun to our head).
To be honest... I'm kind of pissed that the Cine even exists. A huge chunk of that extra $3000 is there to justify ProRes (So really, most people will see it as paying $3000 for one feature), and the other chunk is there for a controller that should be an optional extra).
And there's no way to NOT get the controller and save some money, or to not buy it in a combo, which effectively adds another $1200AUD to the price.
That's essentially $4200 extra just for Pro-Res - or to put it another way, an entire Mavic 3 Pro Combo.
It's a money grab by DJI pure and simple.
Ignoring extra cables and a few extra filters, for $3000aud more, you get:
RC CONTROLLER - $1529 Value
(Buy DJI RC Pro Controller | Free Shipping
Correct me if I'm wrong, but even though it's "cool" and "convenient", the RC Pro controller isn't strictly necessary to operate the Cine? (Or if it is, it's just designed that way so you "need" it, but it's artificial). I could live without it, and I'd much rather put $1529 towards a new iPhone, or an iPad.
Not only that, but it offers significantly less flying time than the standard controller.
I hear it adds Ocusync 3+? That just means they left out out of the normal controller to upsell the Cine. (And that was in small print too).
A 1TB SSD (which is "necessary" for ProRes), which means DJI value the Internal storage at $682.
This "selling point" is completely unnecessary, and as most of you know is more of a design flaw than anything.
If the Mavic 3 Pro took CF Express type B cards (Fast enough for 8K60 on an R5C, so overkill and future proof for ProRes from a drone), then 2x 512 gb cards would only cost $400. And users could swap them out to offload cards and keep the drone airborne rather than being grounded.
Not only that, but that storage media could be used in other devices, or on other DJI Airframes, and when the next drone arrives, there'd be no need to charge $3000 more for an airframe with internal storage.
A 1TB NVME for a computer costs as little as $100. So if they insisted on including internal storage (which would still be a mistake), it shouldn't add any significant cost, but let's say it's "proprietary" and a bit special. That's $400 extra maybe? Not $700.
Forcing the drone to have internal storage is a HUGE oversight and a design flaw, and it just didn't need to happen at all. It's there intentionally so the Cine could be a thing. (And lets not pretend we believe that DJI spent years designing this thing and nobody there realised that was an issue until it released...)
There's several "low cost" removable cards on the market with more than enough speed for ProRes 422HQ or higher. But internal storage was deliberately included to force anyone who wanted ProRes to overpay significantly for it - even though it is a major design flaw for any pro using it in a fast paced environment.
Access to ProRes, (Which costs $789 on an Inspire) - Buy CinemaDNG & Apple ProRes Activation Key - DJI Store
So with it established above that Pro Res could have been included with removable media, there's no reason to even have a seperate "cine" model. ProRes could have been built in to all Mavic 3's, and "unlocked" with key - just as they do on the Inspire series.
I would HOPE it would be priced fairly, but I'd rather slightly overpay for that unlock but save around $2200 on the internal storage and the controller I don't really need, not to mention another $1200 or so on the combo I don't really need.
Yes, I'd need to purchase extra batteries, filters and recording media separately, so the final cost wouldn't be "cheap", but I could choose higher quality filters, save money by making do with 2 batteries, and have all the advantages of removable media that isn't tied to one product and can be repurposed for other tasks.
A Mavic 3 Pro V2 that's basically identical to the current (non cine) model with an added CF Express B slot (as well as Micro SD), and that can have Pro-Res added WHEN I feel I need it (So I don't have buyers remorse some day), is all I bloody want. I could think of some more stuff, but just do that and I'm very happy.
Is there ANY hope of an updated version that's basically something along the lines of what I just suggested? DJI used to update their Phantom line with cool little refreshes, and the Mavic Pro "Platinum" got some minor upgrades too.
Could this happen with a "Mavic 3 Pro Platinum"? (Replaces both base and cine version and fixes biggest cine issue).
And if you think there's any chance I'm not crazy, should I hold my breath for it by 2023/24?
I REALLY hope it would have:
- No Internal storage required for Pro-Res (Huge cost saving).
- Ocusync 3+ on the "standard" remote.
- Dual Slots (SD and CF Express type B slots - to enable dual recording, and to allow continued use of "cheap" Micro SD cards when not shooting ProRes)
- 32-64GB Internal storage (Just in case - Even if it's only fast enough for H.265, it's a safety net).
- Improved tele camera and sensor (Also records Pro-Res)
- ProRes as a software unlock (For a reasonable price). AND it's transferable to a different airframe in the event of a crash (or a sale).
- Other ProRes flavours besides 422HQ included.
- Available to buy WITHOUT the combo.
- Little tweaks to minor annoyances. (Feel free to list yours).
Hopefully priced the same as the current base model, (or slightly more to account for it's awesomeness, or slightly less so it's a no-brainer and would fly off the shelves).
The ProRes Unlock (one time fee) adds between $789 and $1000 more (Aussie bucks). And ProRes Raw could even be an option for a higher fee. (Yes, the C-fast B cards can handle that with ease).
I genuinely don't NEED a Mavic 4 Pro any time soon. The 3 Pro is mouth-wateringly good to me. But effectively paying $3000-$4200 extra for Pro-Res, and being forced to buy things I don't need just so I can have it - that's robbery.
And DJI if you're listening, I get that it's a business. I get why (as a business) you structured this drones pricing and features this way, and why my dreams for a single Mavic 3/4 with no extra BS will probably never come true.
But if it does, it doesn't have to mean lower profits for you.
- You could UP the price slightly of the base model, and people would pay it because it's a better deal.
- You could UP the pro-res price to squeeze out some extra profit.
- You could get into the Recording Media game. (I'd add Well priced and reliable DJI branded cards into my shopping cart without a second thought, and they wouldn't only be applicable to drone owners. Camera users would also buy them. I hear you make cameras...?

- You could also slightly reduce the combo prices to make them more attractive vs buying separately or 3rd party (I loved My Air 2 combo), and people (me included) wouldn't hesitate to just go with the "easy option". We all know that's basically free money for you, so help us help you by making them a no brainer.
- And if your RC Pro controller is really so good, people will still buy it. (Although... to be honest... $1529 and it has average battery life and only works on one airframe? Lower the price or make it better please, not to mention future proof for upcoming drones. Ocusync should be upgradeable if at all possible - not locked in to what it shipped with for all eternity.
- And while I'm on the subject of product support... make your Mod Removed Langage)Goggles work on everything too. Build a (Mod Removed Language)ecosystem, not a collection of cool products with a limited shelf life.
If you play fair with your customers, you'll sell 5x more of these (and all your products), I assure you. Plus, it means everyone loves you, messages like this one disappear, and we all rush to the store to buy your stuff without a sick feeling that we have a gun to our head).
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