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Add way points to Litchi??


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
I have been spending a lot of time creating missions with litchi and some in google earth then i try to run them and my Mavic says I cant run it because I have a few waypoints with a greater than allowable distance. Is there a way to add a waypoint between two waypoints? I have tried and it just adds another connecting it from the very last waypoint in the mission.
Ill do that if i have too but that would mean if the distance between 50 and 51 is too great ill have to move everyone after that
Is there a way to add a waypoint between two waypoints?

In the window for configuring Waypoint Settings there are two icons in the upper left hand corner. One has a red minus sign. The other has a green plus sign. Clicking on the green plus sign will create a new waypoint. The number of the new waypoint will be numbered one more than the waypoint you initially selected. The number designation for higher waypoints will be incremented by one (1). This waypoint can be moved on the map like any other.

Selecting the icon with the minus sign will delete the waypoint you are configuring.
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Ahhhh see this guy is helpful! Thank you so much!
Also I have a question about focus. I'm used to C1 being focus so I set litchi to auto focus on C1. What is happening is once I'm in the air I press C1 and if focuses and when it starts to move it doesn't "auto focus" I look and see that it's blurry so I have to hit C1 again. Looking at the video after the focus is really bad. So how do I get litchi to stay focused like the DJI app does?

And lastly any idea how to fly missions in fixed wing mode?
Thanks so much!
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Ahhhh see this guy is helpful! Thank you so much!
Also I have a question about focus. I'm used to C1 being focus so I set litchi to auto focus on C1. What is happening is once I'm in the air I press C1 and if focuses and when it starts to move it doesn't "auto focus" I look and see that it's blurry so I have to hit C1 again. Looking at the video after the focus is really bad. So how do I get litchi to stay focused like the DJI app does?

Assuming you are doing a WPT mission, some people have reported a workaround as follows:
Press Pause immediately after passing the first WPT. Mavic stops. Press C1 to focus. Then un-pause and complete mission. Apparently doing this has the effect of keeping things in focus for the rest of the mission.

And lastly any idea how to fly missions in fixed wing mode?
Thanks so much!
You use DJIGo4.
Not possible to do so in Litchi, although if you go in to Litchi > Aircraft Settings and change Gimbal mode from Yaw Follow to FPV the camera image will lean into the turns for you ala Fixed Wing Mode.
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