I'm an Adobe dude through and through, but I've grown... weary of the monthly fee for using their suite. As a business cost they're reasonable, but stock photography income has been drying up for the past decade and it's harder for me to justify the entire suite any more. I'm thinking of dropping down to just the photography package, which would give me Photoshop and Lightroom (two programs that, right now, have no real competition for what I do), and switching my video flow from AE/Premiere to Davinci Resolve. (I don't use the other programs in the Adobe Suite).
I'm fairly noobish at running Premiere, but it has a similar feel and flow to LR/PS so it's not been too hard to learn. This feels like one of those questions that probably gets beat to death but maybe doesn't hurt to re-ask from time to time: those who've used both, what are your impressions of one verses the other? How hard is the Davinci "nodes" system to learn versus the layers system that Adobe employs? How does the performance compare? Part of what draws me to Davinci (other than the one time price and free updates to new versions) is that is relies more heavily on GPU than CPU, which seems like a plus to me as my editing platform has a GTX3070 installed, which feels underutilized by Premiere.
I plan to get more into video in the future, so whatever platform I pick now I'll probably end up stuck with as I'll get too familiar with it to want to switch. So I'm trying to choose carefully.
I'm fairly noobish at running Premiere, but it has a similar feel and flow to LR/PS so it's not been too hard to learn. This feels like one of those questions that probably gets beat to death but maybe doesn't hurt to re-ask from time to time: those who've used both, what are your impressions of one verses the other? How hard is the Davinci "nodes" system to learn versus the layers system that Adobe employs? How does the performance compare? Part of what draws me to Davinci (other than the one time price and free updates to new versions) is that is relies more heavily on GPU than CPU, which seems like a plus to me as my editing platform has a GTX3070 installed, which feels underutilized by Premiere.
I plan to get more into video in the future, so whatever platform I pick now I'll probably end up stuck with as I'll get too familiar with it to want to switch. So I'm trying to choose carefully.