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AEB setting location

Make sure you have Photo selected and not video them click the 3 lines under the shutter button and then scroll down to AEB

See below:
Is there something I need to change before that?

I'm only getting single shot in that menu
Is there something I need to change before that?

I'm only getting single shot in that menu

I can't answer that. Mine have always just had the option there since day one as far as I know. I didn't have to turn anything special on.

Hopefully someone else who has resolved this issue can chime in and help.
are you connected to the MP. your camera setting can not be changed unless everything is up and running. Should have to do anything before. Does your photo screen look like the picture above. Also it would help us to know what device you are using and what version of software you are on.
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I reset all camera settings and tried again, still don't have the option to do anything except single shot.
It was an option when I hooked the MP remote to my iPad mini, so I cleared the cache and data from my phone app and it is now there.

Next step: purchase some software to edit these images to look good.
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It was an option when I hooked the MP remote to my iPad mini, so I cleared the cache and data from my phone app and it is now there.

Next step: purchase some software to edit these images to look good.

Very good. Glad it's working.

What image editing software are you currently using? It might be able to combine "AEB/Bracketed/HDR" images within it. Many current programs do this but not all.

Here's one I am currently evaluating and thus far I like it:
Best HDR Software - HDR Photo Editor for Mac & PC | Aurora HDR 2018

The #1 HDR Software
for Mac & Windows
Lycus Tech Mavic Air 3 Case

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