Hey. So i just did my first flight today with my new mavic air (this is my first drone ever btw). I had to wait over 8 weeks till it arrives and till there, i was watching a lot of drone videos, guides and footages

cuz i couldn't wait anymore to do all these things.
When i started flying today, already at a height of 20 meters i got dizzy. It looked like my air would be over 100 meters high already but i was ignoring my feel and i was keep flying higher and keep looking at the drone, and not the camera / phone. After a height of 80, i was close to vomit so i decided to land for a moment the drone.
On the next try when i calmed down, i started just looking at the camera of the drone through the phone and everything was fine there. Didn't got any dizzy at all.
I felt like i would fear heights even if i was on the ground. It felt like the drone was the ground and i was far in the skies (i have legit fear from height and i dont know how this came. My fear from heights came randomly at a age of 16. Before 16 i was even living in the last floor which was like over 100 meters high and there was a balcony and when i went there to look at the grounds, i never got scared till i hit 16 somehow...).
I was getting paranoia when i was flying that drone. I also started thinking that my mavic air could just fall any time or lose connection and hit a building or something instead of flying back even if it was close to me except the heights. Specially because it was super expensive for me and i have no job. I get rent and i am forced to not work sadly because appearance issues which is really sad. I have a lot of talents, i had the best graduation but yeah. Nobody wants a guy like me to work. I get really less money monthly for basically doing nothing which annoys me. And i have some hope that this drone (once i fought my fear and got experienced enough) could bring me some money somehow.
Anyways. Is it just me with that feel or how do you guys feel / felt when you flew the first time ever ?
I just went to the park a second time to fly my drone again ago an hour with a mate who has also a mavic air. He unlocked somehow his max distance so he can fly further than 500 meters but thats not legit in our country. I told him to not do it but he said he is doing it since years and nothing happened ever.
Still i wont do what he did. I watched him flying his drone. I looked at his drone and he flew like 150 meters high and 200+ meters away from himself and then i couldn't see his drone in the skies anymore and i started passing out almost omg. I was like "dude... what if it crashes..." and he was like "i have even reached over 4Km with that drone many many times even over the river. Trust me".
After few minutes he started flying back and i calmed down O_O.