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An issue with the propellers on my Ma. Mini


New Member
Jul 20, 2020
I was flying my Mini during a considerably strong period of wind when I got a notification telling me the drones propeller(s) were spinning too quickly. I then landed the drone and once I had, it began beeping and I got a notification saying ‘ESC beeping restart aircraft’. If anybody can tell me anything about this issue it would be very helpful as this is my first DJI drone and I do not want to lose at as I am quite young (Although I will not post my age)
If you do a search using the magnifying symbol up in the top right of the page for something like "mini speed warning" I think you will uncover some bed time reading.
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I have the same problem above 10 miles/per. I landed it nd replaced the props on that arm and was ok. Then then the next time the same I repeated it again. The last time I just kept flying, land for a low battery. put a new one in, the wind died down and the problem went a way. Under 10 no problem for me. This may not tell you what you want but a way to deal with it.
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I saw it was your first post but searching is always good practise and you can turn up some weird but wonderful little curios at times. Besides which it's likely to stick more than if the answers come too easy.
That said I would suggest finding an open, safe area and go through all the RTH procedures, (my bug bear) and experience them in practise before you meet them in real life.
What happens if you trigger an RTH within 20m of the home point caught me out. Ditto how to stop a climb to an excessive RTH height (page 14 I think)
Also, read up on wind and how to deal with it!
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I was flying my Mini during a considerably strong period of wind when I got a notification telling me the drones propeller(s) were spinning too quickly. I then landed the drone and once I had, it began beeping and I got a notification saying ‘ESC beeping restart aircraft’. If anybody can tell me anything about this issue it would be very helpful as this is my first DJI drone and I do not want to lose at as I am quite young (Although I will not post my age)

I don't know if it's related, but I JUST seconds ago posted a thread about distored propeller blades that I discovered randomly. As I think about it, with high winds yesterday I wanted to practice some precise maneuvers indoors and found the Mini's hover to be relatively unstable and was surprised by it. I didn't think to check the shape of the blades, but this morning I inspected everything as I'm going to try to do a distance test later. Check your blades for distortion, chips or defects.
I fly my MM in up to 20mph wind (sometimes more). Once you get some experience, don’t limit yourself to 10mph or you’ll never fly, at least around here. Just fly into the wind. The prop thing is a whole different issue and you’ve already gotten some good advice above. Best wishes.
I was flying my Mini during a considerably strong period of wind when I got a notification telling me the drones propeller(s) were spinning too quickly. I then landed the drone and once I had, it began beeping and I got a notification saying ‘ESC beeping restart aircraft’. If anybody can tell me anything about this issue it would be very helpful as this is my first DJI drone and I do not want to lose at as I am quite young (Although I will not post my age)
Above says your 20 ???
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