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Another successful SAR by drone story

Made the UK papers

Good to see, as a DM article it will make it's way around the World in a big way !!
They have a huge online readership, although some of the writing / grammar / spelling is very dubious in style.
The UK blokes will understand :)

Think they have a lot of cadet journos that copy / paste stories from EVERYWHERE online, other media, (especially all social media platforms), they trawl and copy . . . but it gets out there !!
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The Daily Mail and Sky News are part of my daily read. Still didn’t help when it comes to Brexit.
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Reactions: MAvic_South_Oz
Good stuff.

We had the Vermont State Police come talk to our RC club (at school), and it was really interesting. In addition to SAR, they're using drones for accident analysis. Pretty cool stuff.
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There will be many more reports like this when the FLIR Autel Evo 2 becomes available. Now that $25K theremal drone will now be around $8-9K, which will be much more in the budget for SAR, fire, police and other potential users.

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